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And Its Smith

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And Its Smith last won the day on October 27 2022

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  1. As someone who is across amateur cricket in Bristol I don’t believe so. I think word would have got around by now. Every time one of the Glos boys plays for an amateur side for a bit of batting practise it is talked about.
  2. It will be more drawn out than another 12 months I reckon. Man City lawyers delaying as long as possible
  3. Not worth betting until closer to the season. I had Burnley to go down, Portsmouth to go up and Mansfield to go up this season. Sadly I also had Leeds to go up! They cost me a fair penny!
  4. @Ivorguy you must be furious!
  5. Awful keeping I would say
  6. I live very close to the rovers ground. I love Bishopston. Gloucester Road is brilliant. Great shops and pubs. And good schools if that’s of importance.
  7. The indoor nets where bowlers can’t bowl off their full run up as it’s not long enough. Genius decision!
  8. Yeah. OTIB is on the grumpy old man side isn’t it!
  9. Generally a positive piece. But if you can’t be optimistic before a ball is kicked, when can you be?!
  10. If your dad started taking you to watch a team at the age of 8 then you’d probably end up supporting that team. He’s Bristolian and his dad is a Manc. There are different reasons why people would support teams from different cities to which they were born. Some are certainly plastic, some aren’t.
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