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Port Said Red

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Port Said Red last won the day on February 9

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About Port Said Red

  • Birthday 01/12/1962

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  • Location:
    Portishead Nature Reserve Gateway

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  1. He must have gone through a few iterations then, the first lines I saw were "'Ark at they gurt pipes, Danny me babber From 'artcliffe to the 'Meader"
  2. You mean their new owners are unable to maintain their status as Britains 6th richest club? What a surprise.
  3. The article next to it is equally interesting and not unrelated in a way. Dennis Meadows retiring because he found it too pressurised playing and running the family taxi firm. I am friends with Jack Boxley's son, Jack was John Atyeo's best man, and vice versa at his wedding. Jack retired when he was born in 1961, because he needed "a proper job with a regular income".
  4. I walk past his blue plaque quite regularly. A nice Victorian property looking across the channel.
  5. Talking to people outside the area you always got a funny look from people when you said "I went up The Downs".
  6. Which was their argument for having a larger northerly catchment area, and they initially got it as they were in the Prem. But thinking about it, similar could be said of all coastal towns and I don't know that Ipswich, Norwich, Hull or Middlesbrough as examples, get the same dispensation?
  7. I agree with all that, just asking why it went so badly wrong for the kid. I had forgotten the Southampton appearance, but as you say he had little to do, but it just seems strange that when he was at least equal to some quality players in that U21'S, that it all should go so horribly wrong. I realise that U21 level don't always reach their potential, but they rarely look like they have never kicked a ball before, as he did.
  8. So why do you think he failed so badly Dave? On the face of it he does have the pedigree and having Tommy and others here should have helped him settle in. Looking back on his debut (only home appearance) it was in a game where everything was going badly and the fans were very frustrated generally. He comes on, a young inexperienced kid, and from his first touch the crowd really got on his back. He looked a rabbit in headlights to me, TC even went over to put an arm around him at one stage. I don't know if that affected Mannings choices from then on, but he may have been reticent to let the kid take that again. Having said that, he could have brought him on when the crowd were in a better mood, (5-0 up Vs Blackburn for example) or used him more away from home, but he didn't. I just feel for a player of that talent to slip away so badly either suggests a mental issue, or that he has already lost his love for the game and has made his money already.
  9. Probably derailing the thread, but it was going to see a game live for the first time last year, (Flyers first ever European home game) that got me interested. Even where they play now the atmosphere is great, and the players are so athletic it's really exciting to see up front.
  10. Believe me, this kid will be far better known than anyone with a similar name very soon, he's phenomenal.
  11. I would think the gas will be all over this. We can't take them all, and it will probably a choice between them and Swindon or non-league teams for the rest. There are others on here that know more about this stuff, @Harry? But I think I am right in saying that this has been on the cards for a while and we have already started looking at some because of that? There was a thread about Carey being made redundant I think that had some details?
  12. It depends, we don't know yet if some will be on 1st team duties after the pre season. There may be some U18's making the jump too. Billy Phillips maybe, he will be 18 by then.
  13. I did some work for a Company in the offices next door to the ground, were on 15 or 16th floor. There apparently was a lot of empty office space below, which made me think that the only reason for building that high was so you could look down into the stadium. I have some pictures somewhere, along with Anfield before they finished the last stand, taken from the Conference box next to the Shankly Suite, where I was running my training course.
  14. We're signing Victor Wembanyama? French, 7ft 3in 19/20 NBA young player of the year, fits all the criteria. He might even be able to play football.
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