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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/21 in Posts

  1. I do like the way these 4 players all have a slightly different ‘**** my life’ expression on their faces...
    5 points
  2. I reckon that if you put together a collage of all of their players signing on photos down the years,it would look like a lottery syndicate that had forgotten to do it on the day their numbers came in.
    4 points
  3. They’ve spelled “prowed” wrong on that scarf ?. You wouldn’t get that at Doncaster United.
    4 points
  4. Very early for this kind of thing, but made purely out of my own interest in seeing people's opinions.
    3 points
  5. At least their is one poster who talks sense on their forum? Just shows how far ahead they are. Their ground is hosting play off finals and half of ours would blow away in a gale
    3 points
  6. I think it would help some of the delusions if they actually read the cases! Yep to the LAP. Well a LAP did find then guilty, but another LAP will hear any appeal, even if it consists of the same members technically they are different panels.
    1 point
  7. My my my. I suggest a few beers.
    1 point
  8. Why? Fancy a go on him do you? ???
    1 point
  9. Magic Roundabout - Jasper Carrot
    1 point
  10. Essentially yes Since I got a smart TV I just use the same apps on there now
    1 point
  11. No love lost there. I remember the halcyon days at the turn of the century, went to Worc., and lost (a very rare thing) only to find out the game had to be replayed as they fielded an ineligible player ! Replayed the game a couple of days later, and surprise, surprise we pissed them ! The locals were NOT very happy .
    1 point
  12. I remember going to watch Glos v Worcs mid 90's one day game and it all kicked off in the crowd near the end of the game. Think they put a ban on the Jessops after that game?!
    1 point
  13. I have great memories of the John Player, at one point in the history of the competition there had only been 3 ties and I saw 2 of them. The most memorable of those was against Somerset, needing 2 to win David Shephard out to the boundary right in front of where we were sitting. A young Viv Richards (maybe his 1st season?), dropped the catch on the boundary, but was quick witted enough to immediately pick the ball up and throw it straight over the stumps and run Shep out before he completed the 2nd run. Amazing presence of mind which made everyone sit up and take notice of him. My first memory was less exciting, my dad took me to see Gary Sobers play for Nottinghamshire, but thanks to some passing thunderstorms all I saw of him was being interviewed under an umbrella by Peter West. I often wondered if we would have been there at all if dad had known it was going to be televised.
    1 point
  14. I put down RB as a priority because right now, we don’t have one and I’m yet to be convinced Vyner has what it takes at this level. Big season for him next year.
    1 point
  15. Used to love that format, went with Glos to a lot of new grounds, Ireland (Dublin), Sleeford (Lincolnshire) ,Horsham (Sussex Board) etc, miss those trips .
    1 point
  16. gotta come back with Float On - The Floaters
    1 point
  17. Nice of him to visit and agree to hold the scarf in Joey's cell though. Nice touch that.
    1 point
  18. Re questions 5 and 6. I think we need to sign in a variety of positions, and can't really pick a priority. I put ACM as last couple of seasons it's been the supply to the strikers that's been lacking. I've not been following transfer rumours this off-season. I've therefore no idea who we've been linked with or haven't been linked with so honestly am not 100% sure who these blokes are that you've listed. I put King, because he's a King. I'd have preferred an extra "I'm not confident but he seems alright for now" option on Pearson.
    1 point
  19. Bristol certainly good enough on their day.Sometimes their own worst enemies though.Fantastic the speed at which they move the ball around,but does make for a few intercepted tries.
    1 point
  20. I liked the snippet at the end. Taylor's signing also begins to break the misconception that the Rovers manager would spend the summer predominantly signing experienced veterans on big salaries. Come on we were all thinking that the Barcelona of Division 4 were going to be paying big salaries next season weren't we? No? Oh well, please yourselves.
    1 point
  21. Don’t forget though, according to them we’re the deluded ones who think our club is massive.....?
    1 point
  22. And ex Gas Stefen Payne joining in the fun. Brilliant.
    1 point
  23. is that their all weather training patch? (deliberate sp)
    1 point
  24. I'm here. What a place. So foggy for a couple of hours but it's nice and clear now. Just some bleating lambs to deal with. Glad I'm here to be fair .
    1 point
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