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Everything posted by AppyDAZE

  1. The only one I can think of is the fact that O'Dowda didn't get his head on that corner. Almost scored with his first touch.
  2. Would be amazed if that happened. In fact, it won't. We're stuck with this shambles for a loooong time yet.
  3. Think it's JL who's been on the grass, the dopey ***.
  4. Lansdown has shown nothing but contempt for the true City fans for years now, Manning ain't getting sacked, he's too unpopular.
  5. Manning reeks of cosy, comfortable, average Lansdown’s Bristol City. Absolutely spot on @Red white and red He's going nowhere for a long while.
  6. ... and I'll tell you why and he then doesn't.
  7. plus 4C and light rain. Good luck with that one!
  8. I love all those swinging 60s London short films. Totally magical. I was born in 1961, so I was only a kid when the 60s were happening, but I think somewhere inside, it all made a deeep impression on me. Love it.
  9. Vocalist and a half. Early Prtetenders kicked some proper ass, and Chrissie back then oozed it.
  10. People who announce and there will be such or such minutes of extra time. NOOOO! Added ******* time, Extra Time is something different altogether.
  11. There's no room for players like JET anymore. He spent most of his time facing the opponent's goal. And shit at passing backwards.
  12. Is he hissing you off by any chance?
  13. Shoehorn with Teeth - Thy Might Be Giants
  14. This Is London - The Times
  15. Dicks, Cox, Balls, Ok ok, so if I am making some of these up
  16. If it's up by there, I'll give you the money myself.
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