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Everything posted by Judah_Eskendar_Tafar

  1. Ring of Bells (CPH) Golden Lion Live and Let Live Globe Star Half Moon Fire Engine Horseshoe Rising Sun
  2. Say what you like, a little bit of ground development and suddenly you see Horfield very differently. The stadium really (ah-hem), stands out.
  3. I understand there were ‘Boos’ at the end of yesterday evening’s game. Though to be fair there was also some applause. Sadly however, it turns out the applause was for those booing. It’s seems this morning that many of the great unwashed are in pessimistic mood. I, on the other hand, am quite optimistic about their pessimism, but then I’m a stand half-full kind of bloke.
  4. I completely agree. If they wanted to improve their ‘facilities’, and given their mysterious graveyard archipelago of repurposed and redundant sheds, gazebos and pavilions, then the Carnival of Canvas end was probably the place to start. Never mind the Great Planning Permission Fiasco of 2023, the idea, these days, is modern stadia (or parts thereof) must provide additional revenue streams. From the images of that overgrown Meccano set I’ve seen, there doesn’t seem too much scope for anything much in the way of Merch, or food outlets. Currently, the Jerk King’s off, but even so, there doesn’t appear to be room for him to swing a bottle of Grace Jamaican Ketchup anyway. It looks cheap, flimsy and very temporary. It’s going to look very shabby very quickly, which is provably not a problem as the property developing owner will be able to take it down as soon as he has a buyer for the land it’s my guess.
  5. Interesting to note the One Team, Guardian-reading, tofu-eating intelligentsia are all on the same page this morning.
  6. The article below seems to sum it up Barton pretty well I would say. Although as the journalist has (presumably?) never played at the highest level, the ‘hard of thinking’ will be able to ignore it. Never forget the great unwashed will now forever be associated with his thoroughly discredited name. For not only did they see fit to employ him, they then went through all sorts of contortions to justify and excuse his previous and subsequent behaviour (employing other misogynists and homophobes). At least now everyone is aware of his true feelings towards Her Game Too. What a shower. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/dec/12/joey-bartons-far-right-rebrand-points-to-sad-malaise-among-footballs-lost-boys?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  7. Bit tricky when your sister's involved, same way unno' rasta?
  8. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sh’ead - John le Carre-less ’Cheers drive.’ Having effortlessly adopted the vernacular George Smiley stepped off the bus onto the Gloucester Road. He blinked and looked about him. Having crossed the great divide earlier that day, he took in the depressing sights and detritus of a failed system that now surrounded him Carefully crossing what looked like an abandoned, flooded, building site with an odd looking tented structure placed haphazardly on it, he made his way to the ‘clubhouse’. A mole had been detected at the top of the Circus and he needed to give fair warning that the agent’s cover could be blown at any moment. When he arrived he found them already waiting for him. His shoes stuck to the carpet as he crossed the room to join them. Babestation played quietly in the background as he settled into his plastic patio chair. ‘Jack, James, I have to tell you one of our six-fingered brethren suspects that a mole in their camp scuppered the JC-H transfer, you are both now only one poor performance away from being blamed for all their ills. Adjusting the club clock forward by four seconds was pure genius by the way.’ ’That’s alright George, once a red and all that. We didn’t need to adjust the clock in the end, as they had some bungling tech support from Henbury helping them, and he couldn’t figure out how to operate the fax machine. Although, truth be told, he was a better story-teller than even your creator Mr. Smiley.’
  9. Much as I dislike t'other lot, I stand with the dad and his kids every time.
  10. Dead cat story, to distract from the new stand fiasco, from Schrödinger's fc (rich club/broke club, new stand/no stand, new ground/old ground)?
  11. Blimey! The Doctor Who’s tardis has let itself go.
  12. Fair play to you. Personally, I would take the coward’s way out and go in the home end!
  13. Well said Julie (though you may have omitted the words ‘are not’ from your last sentence). How times have changed. Sadly, in my day the rozzers were often thought to lag behind the more inclusive and progressive elements of society. Perhaps it’s indicative of the times that the more unpleasant elements among us have unfortunately, now been given a permission structure by our leaders and politicians that they can now routinely spout all sorts of vile nonsense that they probably wouldn’t have mentioned three years ago. Well done all those who consider the feelings of others, be it at AG or the Mem, whether it’s ordinary punters, or A&S’s finest. CTID
  14. As yes, that reminds me of that eternal question: Is it better to have them inside the tent ‘thinking’ out, or outside the tent ‘thinking’ in? Do I mean ‘thinking’...?
  15. I am only now beginning to appreciate the true implications of Bury’s expulsion from the EFL. One of the many consequences is that the Odd Squad across town now have a football free weekend and they are understandably thinking of ways they might be able to generate some income for their club to offset the loss of match day revenue. The best suggestion (not sure if it counts as thinking outside the box, but I wouldn’t have thought of it in a million years!), is to move the g*s girl’s first fixture of the season to that Saturday, so they get their ‘football fix’ (so far so good), make it free entry (naturally!) as there will be a big crowd (sic!) have a 50-50 cash give away, higher a room (the club can offer a discounted room rate and can open ‘Irene’s Kitchen’ should anyone fancy a Sunday roast). And then, what better way to round off the day than a bout of bar top mice racing (with real live mice! One punter has predictably suggested eating any competitors that don’t come up to snuff). Apparently it’s ‘hilarious’ and the pounds come rolling in! This thread on g*s chat, coupled with those images of their ‘match day experience’ create quite an impression. It’s like the land that time forgot over there, but with an aging and seemingly insular fan base it is perhaps inevitable that their attitude and outlook will be forever locked in the halcyon days of their youth. What a bloody shower!
  16. This suite of images highlighting the match day ‘experience’ at the Mem are quite superb. I really like the idea of having them turned into a calendar, with a couple of the best comments alongside each - I would certainly buy a few. Perhaps any profits could go to a Donkey Sanctuary or a home for distressed and punch drunk equines?
  17. Christ, how have i missed this pillock? I wouldn’t say it was cringy but any self respecting prepubescent One Direction fan would die of shame at the thought of posting anything so excruciatingly bad.
  18. On further reflection the correct definition for such a poor turnout is, ‘rump’. The visiting fans form one cheek, fans of the ne’er-do-wells the other. Wael , Dopey, GC, Henbury etc. Are somewhere between the two.
  19. “Crowd”? Surely it’s just a ‘group’, or a ‘gathering’ at the very best isn’t it!
  20. So after a lot of hype, ‘out’ in the first round! Sounds oh so familiar.
  21. It must have been quite a drink these lads went for!? As for the ‘stadium’ I can only imagine said City fan was doubled over, roaring with laughter, his eyes wet with tears of joy, shaking his head and repeatedly slapping his thigh, saying he’d never seen anything quite like it. This was then positively interpreted as reference to uniqueness of character and feel.
  22. Amateur hour at the Mem? It’s already been done mate, on a regular basis, I might add!
  23. Where there’s a Will there’s a Wael!
  24. What an absolute shower they are, from the assorted misfits and crocks that constitute the playing staff, the eye-sore and health-hazard that is their ground, their bizarre fan base that seems like nothing so much as a Victorian travelling freak show, right through to the uber embarrassing attention seeking chairman, the entire club is beyond parody.
  25. I wouldn’t know where to begin with this. Talk about vanity projects. Regardless of any football loyalty, it’s just excruciating. Does the bloke have no shame? It’s hero worship on a scale normally reserved for overexcited teenage girls at a One Direction show. What a funny little man he is!
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