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Photography - Beginner

Maesknoll Red

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So, after only ever having owned a compact or phone camera, I fancy expanding my knowledge and equipment.

I will mainly be wanting to photograph my dogs, landscapes, lakes and rivers and occasionally whatever comes along.  So can any photographers on here recommend where to start, what camera etc.  Also budget, would £400 be enough, if not what would I have to spend to get decent pictures with zoom etc.

Bear in mind I’ll be starting from scratch, so don’t really want to dive in buying professional level kit, just in case I find it’s not for me.

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I would suggest you keep your compact or mobile camera and use it more - simply to get a feel for taking more shots and an interest in your work. Don't be tempted to lash out on expensive stuff just for the expectation that it will be a real benefit. Just take a little bit more care in what you do and go from there. The art of photography is all about the vision, not the equipment necessarily.

Once you are more confident and technically 'focussed' (sorry), you can then look to getting particular kit to enhance your experience. If you want to do more landscapes, for example, and you like to get out onto the hills and moors then a long telephoto could be a useful addition. If you like close-up stuff of your dog then perhaps you might not need new kit at all, just the understanding of how to shoot in such circumstances.

Maybe you have some idea of what you want to achieve and are inspired by some more famous photographers - if so, then you ought to study their work and try to emulate it. There are plenty of online images and critiques to enjoy. In any case, simply take more images and take pleasure in taking them!

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Very difficult to give advice on getting into Photography for specific things because we all have different opinions on what is acceptable and what isn't.

I would personally look at something like a bridge camera (non interchangeable lense but good wide and long zooms) https://www.wexphotovideo.com/panasonic-lumix-dmc-fz1000-digital-camera-1555221/?mkwid=syrXtzGAc_dc&pcrid=227179693174&kword=&match=&plid=&product=1555221&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6ozhBRC8ARIsAIh_VC1AkCXcCiDdHI-haFfyFJUSIH7oz_tSO4ed3bLIZbTNo-LQSujfH4kaAsQaEALw_wcB

This would be a solid start because it has everything you need built into it, wide angle zoom for landscapes and big zoom for things like shooting birds etc. It's not going to be perfect but a good compromise on most things. Good video quality and the bonus you can take it out of the automatic modes should you wish to slow down and tinker with settings.

On offer at the moment at Wex with a £100 cashback which makes it close to your budget. It's a few years old now but was well received when it came out.

Here's an objective review on it


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