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Football governance


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Recommendations of the government report into football governance from the former sports minister and Johnson buddy Tracey Crouch.

"They call for legislation to create an independent football regulator to oversee finances and governance, with a licensing system, wage caps and powers to stop owners mortgaging club assets. Fans might gain a veto over certain changes. "

Something will probably happen, how much probably depends on Johnson's latest whim, but there could be some controls coming and an end to the chaos which is afflicting so many clubs.

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Hope it doesn't give a get out clause to those who have already secured against club assets- a debt is a debt is a debt and should be honoured as such- hello Chansiri and Morris. Default and pay the price.

I liked some of what I read in there though. A licensing system and a fan veto seem positive- reading elsewhere, some Derby fans rail against the EFL and Governing bodies, when ironically they would be a lot more restricted as would all Clubs under a licensing system with stepped up, real time regulation- the spending sprees and crazy schemes of Mel would run around quicker, and the punishments probably would have less scope for appeal.

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