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Get Rid Of The Blue

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The winner of the £50 play.com voucher for July is:

Martin C (aka mcbcfc)

He made several purchases via the ads and links here on OTIB during July and was the lucky winner drawn out of the virtual hat this morning. So congratulations Martin!

We're giving away another £50 voucher again this month. All you have to do to get in the draw is to buy something online via the ads or links above or in the shopping forum and let us know you've made the purchase by e-mailing otibshop@bristolcityst.org.uk. Alternatively, just make a donation via the button above and your name will also go into the hat.

We got rid of the blue in July, which means that the costs of running of OTIB were covered through your donations and the commission earned on your purchases. Now it's time to start again ... there's far too much blue showing in that pie-chart up there at the moment for my liking!!

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As the first winner of the Play.com vouchers from the forum it was a nice surprise after a month of numerous birthdays meaning plenty of prezzies to buy. Having won I've just improved my DVD collection (although i'm not sure my missus will see it as an improvement :rolleyes:)

I urge everyone to buy using the forum links as not only can you win the play vouchers (which £50 can buy a hell of a lot from play.com) but it also goes towards the forum running cost.

So spend and spend big :yes:

Many thanks again


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  • SC&T Board Members
As the first winner of the Play.com vouchers from the forum it was a nice surprise after a month of numerous birthdays meaning plenty of prezzies to buy. Having won I've just improved my DVD collection (although i'm not sure my missus will see it as an improvement :rolleyes:)

I urge everyone to buy using the forum links as not only can you win the play vouchers (which £50 can buy a hell of a lot from play.com) but it also goes towards the forum running cost.

So spend and spend big :yes:

Many thanks again


So there you go - you too could win £50 like Martin!

As you can see, we're making progress again this month towards getting rid of the blue, but we're a bit behind schedule ... so keep spending ... and let us know when you do, so that you go in the hat!

We've added a new advertiser this week: The New Football Pools. So check them out here or look out for the rotating small banner ad top left above (over 18s only).

Thanks, by the way, also to Ian M for his helpful donation.

PS - As ever, if there are online retailers you buy from that we don't list, please PM me and we'll see if we can add a link for them.

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As you can see from the pie-chart, we're rather behind schedule for getting rid of the blue for this stage of the month. So we need OTIB users to get spending online via the links above or in the shopping forum or making a donation towards the cost of running this forum.

Don't forget, every time you make a purchase or donation you can go into the hat to win £50 in play.com vouchers.

In the hat so far this month are:

Sean C

Brian B

Jerry P

Mark E

John L

Huw G

Nik W

Mike E

Avril H

Andy M

Phil K

Steven P


Why not add your name to the list - the odds of winning look pretty good!

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