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The Best In Eleven Years!

Guest Tinman

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Guest Tinman

I would just like to say that in eleven years I have never seen Ashton Gate rocking like it was tonight!

You were all absolutley fantastic and deserve a trip to the Millenium where all your support is going to be needed all over again.

Thanks for tonight it wil be one to remember



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Cheers, you were a credit to city tonight, and have been all your time here. I'm sure i'm not alone in saying there really is only one Brian Tinnion and i look forward to seeing you play for us in div 1 next year! You are City personified!

Come on you reds!!!

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Guest Red_Rat

It was one of the best nights of my life!

And i hugged you Tin-man, although you wont remember it.

I will for the rest of my life.


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Guest Cyprus_Red

magnificent tinman!!!!

one of the best memories and will also live with me forever!!!!

surperb atmosphere

c u in cardiff!!!!

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In 21 years of watching, I haven't either. I can't remember ever having a ringing in my ears before. Brian Tinnion, you deserve to play out your career in the first division. Tonight has given me the inner belief that this is our year for the play offs - make sure the players know it. Roll on 30th May.

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CAn u say thanks to all the lads for us brian - tonite was up there with anfield and i'm sure a few more nights from beofre my time

superb and good luck!!

Agree mate, Anfield and tonight were special, 20 odd years at the Gate for me and the last 10 mins especially the place was ROCKING.I also feel for the Hartlepool fans, we know what there going through, and they have a 5 hour trip home.Thought the way they took the loss was a real credit to them all.
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Well done Sir Tins.

Your performance was great tonight as it has been on many, many occasions.

After Cardiff is out the way and we are in Division I, I will then look forward to thanking you properly against Portsmouth.

Also, full credit for coming on here. You must be twice as mentally exhausted as us fans and this is beyong the call of duty in my book. But, not a great surprise. :dunno:

After I have beared Robbo's children, your next! (I just need a small operation and preferably a womb and stuff :whistle: )

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Guest dolman oap

Hi Tinman, what a game tonight. Congratulations to you and all the lads, cant wait for May 30th. I cant remember the gate rocking so much. Oh I'm so excited.

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Tin man, put that show on in cardiff!

Drink up thy cider, drink up thy cider, for tonight will merry be!

Was showing off me tan on the pitch tonight, loved it! Tinnion, I would dump my girlfreind for you!!!!!!!!!!!! and i aint the slightest bit shadey!

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Guest bcfcsols

That was the greatest experience ever (bar none! :whistle: ). When we scored the first goal Ag absolutely crumbled under the atmosphere. Well done to the boys (inclkuding Danny Wilson for the inspired substitution) for making it happen!

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Thanks Tins, thanks for putting me through an evening which was both amazing and terrible... a real emotional rollercoaster. Thanks to you and the rest of the players for not giving up and fighting until the end! I've never experienced such incredible emotions in any sporting context and the memories of tonight will live on for a long time. Thanks so much!

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Living City Legend Tin...you boys really pulled it out of the bag and made it special for us tonight...truly brilliant!!

Just Cardiff to go now mate....the adrenalin is pumping already!! Come on City...you can do it this time!!

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Guest bristolbred
I would just like to say that in eleven years I have never seen Ashton Gate rocking like it was tonight!

You were all absolutley fantastic and deserve a trip to the Millenium where all your support is going to be needed all over again.

Thanks for tonight it wil be one to remember



I was listening to a bit of Five live, and the atmosphere from the Gate was electric!!. ;)

Can't wait for my neighbour to bring me the tape of the match!!. :D

Well done to both you and the lads Tinman, :D

You've been a stalwart, and a good friend to the club. and the city of Bristol.

we are going all the way this year!!. :dunno:

Good luck to you and the lads!!. :sub:

Cardiff, and Division 1, here we come!!. :whistle:

:sub::baa::sub::cool: :Party12: :Party12: :Party3: :Costumed34: :Costumed19:

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Thanks for giving us another fantastic memory to add to the list.

P.S. Hate to mention it, but aren't you a bit old to be a "scholar"? Perhaps if you have a word with the forum admin team they'll promote you to "first team player".

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Tinman is a Sh!thead, Tinman is a Sh!thead, la la la la

The emotion was felt thousands of miles away in Tennessee.....I would give anything to have been there....

Brian, it's a team game, players come and go but it's the few like you that show the loyalty and dedication that deserve the thanks from us. Knowing Bristol City blood runs through your Geordie veins helps us all believe in Bristol City.

Just took the family out for a steak and couple of beers (well the kids had cokes) to celebrate and I still can't believe it happened the way it did!!!! Even now I have a lump in the throat and misty eyes just taking in the emotion of the evening. It's all so surreal....I can't imagine how it must have felt to be inside AG tonight. I can't believe it could have topped Anfield but it sounds like it did.

I just have one request.....a couple of early goals at the Mill Stad please....I don't want to go completely grey yet.... :whistle:

Tinman for President!

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Guest eviltaxman

Great night, great goals and one hell of a great team. Thanks Tinman... you and the lads helped to rock the ground last night. ^_^

Now lets get to Cardiff and show div 1 what were all about. :D:D

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