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The Forgotten Man

Port Said Red

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I was going to add this to praise for GJ but feel that he deserves his own thread.

Keith Millen has done a great job as coach at this club. I remember how many people were trying to lay a lot of the blame for Tinnions failure at his door which, looking at the last 20 months under GJ, now looks twice as unfair.

By Johnsons own admission he is the more highly qualified of the two and I wonder how much a part he has played in developing the 4-4-1-1 formation, that has so successfully papered over the cracks caused by our striking problems.

Generally the team have adapted to every formation they have been asked to play and that is all down to the hard work on the training field.

Some people have questioned tactics and substitutions at different points this season, but the majority of them have worked well. The latest tactic of adopting a more attacking formation as the game reaches a conclusion has been particularly successfully.

Next season will be a step up for every one, I believe having Keith as coach will be a huge help.

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As a "one off" it was an excellent signing. Anyone know what "the favour from Moyesy" that GJ called in was?

GJ probably promised to keep me away from him!!! :o

An all round good team effort I think, from the kit man to the very top and everyone inbetween. All did a professional job, and from the togetherness witnessed on gaining promotion I don't see why it can't continue.

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I was going to add this to praise for GJ but feel that he deserves his own thread.

Keith Millen has done a great job as coach at this club. I remember how many people were trying to lay a lot of the blame for Tinnions failure at his door which, looking at the last 20 months under GJ, now looks twice as unfair.

By Johnsons own admission he is the more highly qualified of the two and I wonder how much a part he has played in developing the 4-4-1-1 formation, that has so successfully papered over the cracks caused by our striking problems.

Generally the team have adapted to every formation they have been asked to play and that is all down to the hard work on the training field.

Some people have questioned tactics and substitutions at different points this season, but the majority of them have worked well. The latest tactic of adopting a more attacking formation as the game reaches a conclusion has been particularly successfully.

Next season will be a step up for every one, I believe having Keith as coach will be a huge help.

spot on

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I remember how many people were trying to lay a lot of the blame for Tinnions failure at his door

Not least Tinnion himself, still whineing on months after his overdue dismissal. All through this Millen kept a dignified silence which, in my eyes, spoke volumes.

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Not least Tinnion himself, still whineing on months after his overdue dismissal. All through this Millen kept a dignified silence which, in my eyes, spoke volumes.

Even promotion will never change some things - the brothers grim are still keen to slander Tinnion at every opportunity. Care to quote where Tinnion laid the blame at Millen's door?

Keith Millen has always been a good coach, well respected by the players and in the game in general. Well done to him.

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Even promotion will never change some things - the brothers grim are still keen to slander Tinnion at every opportunity. Care to quote where Tinnion laid the blame at Millen's door?

Keith Millen has always been a good coach, well respected by the players and in the game in general. Well done to him.

Tinnion did in fact cite the fact that he was given an inexperienced coach ie Millen as one of the reasons for his failure as a manager. This was when he appeared on Jed Pitman's Soccer Night a couple of months after the Swansea debacle.

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Tinnion did in fact cite the fact that he was given an inexperienced coach ie Millen as one of the reasons for his failure as a manager. This was when he appeared on Jed Pitman's Soccer Night a couple of months after the Swansea debacle.

He didn't blame failure on Millen did he?

Fact is, he could have used more experienced help - as all fans pretty much unanimously agreed at the time. That's not a slight on Millen and I'm certain Keith Millen never saw it as such either.

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Even promotion will never change some things - the brothers grim are still keen to slander Tinnion at every opportunity. Care to quote where Tinnion laid the blame at Millen's door?

I hope I haven't slandered anyone and certainly wasn't "keen" to do so.

Tinnion was on Radio Bristol bemoaning the fact that he had "The Under 14's Coach" as his assitant but needed a more experienced man. I just think promotion highlights Tinnions appointment and his succinct faliure.

Nothing grim about any of us this weekend, just wallowing in "our" clubs success and wishing for more to follow.

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Not least Tinnion himself, still whineing on months after his overdue dismissal. All through this Millen kept a dignified silence which, in my eyes, spoke volumes.


You are bang out of order slating Tinman, I cannot recall any bad feeling from the man towards Millen. Can we please enjoy our moment of elation without rubbishing someone who gave everything whenever he pulled on a City shirt.

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Tinnion was on Radio Bristol bemoaning the fact that he had "The Under 14's Coach" as his assitant but needed a more experienced man.

So you were wrong to say he was blaming Millen for failure then? In fact he was merely expressing the same view the majority of City fans seem to hold at the time?

I just think promotion highlights Tinnions appointment and his succinct faliure.

And Danny Wilson's presumably?

Or rather, does it highlight GJ's success in carrying on the work Tinnion began by ridding our club of pisshead losers and then adding a winning mentality to it?

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