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Rumours Of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Bristol Boy

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Living in Nottingham and not haivng regualr interent access for the last month it has been hard for me to follow this story but without meaning to get in the middle of anything i have this to say...

i enjoy reading Bristol Boys match review and ratings as i think he gives what he deems a fair assessment of the game in his eyes. I don't always agree with what he says but essentially i agree with lots of his assessments.

I have a lot of respect for him (and Huw Griffiths) who compile the match reports and they are true City fans.

I will continue to read his match reviews and ratings because i enjoy reading them and i think he just tels it as he sees it. I hope that any arguments and squabbles to not lead to the match reviews and ratings being cancelled and I for one hope Bristol Boy continues to post etc on a regular basis

And before anyone says anything, i have not met or ever spoke to Bristol Boy so have no issues or bias or anything.


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Pleased to hear you are alive and kicking.Your reports are always read with great interest here in Albuquerque.Can not comment on all the side issues for I do not have a real grasp of everything going on, but I applaud your commitment and energy in producing first class reports that are so welcome by those far from home.

Have always found your thoughts to be well reasoned and insightful and therefore much more valuable than the blind faith rose tinted variety.

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The Real Bristol Boy has posted his R&R on Subbers, and let me say this. Yes, he and I have exchanged PM's and yes I think he contributes to Otib in a major way. BB is one of perhaps half a dozen of us that actually have coaching certificates.That is entirely relevant.

On Otib we now have Huw Griffiths aka Edson posting his preview and review of matches and he is also a very good judge of the situation in hand. Edsons match reviews had a rather negative signature. It was a copy of a Bristol Boy post from 26 nov 2005. It said that GJ was utterly clueless and should just leave. After a record 9 losses in a row, the forum was full of posters of a similar demeaner.

Last week and now, I thought it unneccessary for Edson to add Bristol Boys comment from 2 years ago to his reviews, I thought he was better than that. If it was just about ratings for his site, then I guess thats an ill advised attempt at marketing. If it is indeed a nasty snipe at Bristol Boy, In my opinion it was not required to enhance his excellant review..

As for Henry, bh red and Scumbag, Bristol Boy will always have detractors. So should he. You set yourself up as a target, then expect a few shots.

I would add that looking at the season as a whole, Bristol Boy makes a great contribution to the fan base. I appreciate it and so do others. Let us dwell on the positives and not look for a reason to be critical of a fan who is truly RED.

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The fans in the past have always had a scapegoat in the team to moan about for as long as I can remember, but now with the team doing well they cant find one so they have actually turned on themselves on the forum !!! Keep ya chin up BB, they'll move on to someone else soon.

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BB, for me you are among the most interesting posters on here. Whether I agree with you or not you argue your case articulately and with obvious passion for the club. I do not subscribe to the view that challenging some of the club's commercial policies is somehow negative or disloyal. Rather its about being as good off the field as we are on it. I regard SL as potentially our best Chairman since the late great Harry Dolman but that doesn't mean he is always right. More power to your elbow.

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BB is one of perhaps half a dozen of us that actually have coaching certificates.That is entirely relevant.

Sorry mate but how can you possibly know how many people on this forum have a coaching certificate? As it happens, I have one too but since I don't know you and you don't know me you couldn't know that. Whilst having a certificate might give you some small insight into the game, to be honest the gulf in class between pro football and the amateur/youth game is so vast that I really wouldn't claim to know anything more about what is going on on the pitch than anyone else.


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BB, for me you are among the most interesting posters on here. Whether I agree with you or not you argue your case articulately and with obvious passion for the club. I do not subscribe to the view that challenging some of the club's commercial policies is somehow negative or disloyal. Rather its about being as good off the field as we are on it. I regard SL as potentially our best Chairman since the late great Harry Dolman but that doesn't mean he is always right. More power to your elbow.

My thoughts echo this. I'd rather everyone talked football/bristol city and disagree agreed sometimes rather than just talk shit about each other. There are plenty of places on the internet you can go and be a ###### for no reason, but not many you can talk aout our beloved club.

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...he contributes to Otib in a major way. BB is one of perhaps half a dozen of us that actually have coaching certificates.That is entirely relevant...

And why is that entirely relevant? This is an internet forum, not a coaching school or football club or any sporting venture. I don't think it's a necessary requirement to have a coaching certificate to post on an internet forum. It requires a) a computer, b) an internet connection, c) basic literacy, d) basic computer skills.

Anyway, back on topic, isn't this all a bit ###### ridiculous and childish? The last time I heard stuff like this was when I was seven and my mate took his ball home after getting in a sulk about losing. I enjoy reading Bristol Boy's reviews, but if he doesn't post the link here I won't read them. I don't want to have to be a member of several City forums, I don't have time. And as for not allowing anyone else to post the link, just how childish is that!?

This forum is amazing at times. Some quality posts, some total and utter tosh. We all know where this latest "episode" stands.

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And why is that entirely relevant? This is an internet forum, not a coaching school or football club or any sporting venture. I don't think it's a necessary requirement to have a coaching certificate to post on an internet forum. It requires a) a computer, b) an internet connection, c) basic literacy, d) basic computer skills.

Anyway, back on topic, isn't this all a bit ###### ridiculous and childish? The last time I heard stuff like this was when I was seven and my mate took his ball home after getting in a sulk about losing. I enjoy reading Bristol Boy's reviews, but if he doesn't post the link here I won't read them. I don't want to have to be a member of several City forums, I don't have time. And as for not allowing anyone else to post the link, just how childish is that!?

This forum is amazing at times. Some quality posts, some total and utter tosh. We all know where this latest "episode" stands.

Whats all the fuss about? people should print whatever they like if thats what they want to do, it may be a little bit controversial, but so what, we should be able to respond to it any way we wish, that's lively debate,i've stopped reading this forum a lot lately as i find it so boring at times and long for the return of Ashtonyate!

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what's this fuss all about?

if someone wants to post on this forum......GREAT!

if someone decides they don't want to........THAT'S THEIR DECISION

personally speaking Tom I think this thread is worth locking similar to the last one, it's bringing nothing and is just turning into a playground row.


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what's this fuss all about?

if someone wants to post on this forum......GREAT!

if someone decides they don't want to........THAT'S THEIR DECISION

personally speaking Tom I think this thread is worth locking similar to the last one, it's bringing nothing and is just turning into a playground row.


Calm down old man T, another 6 points by 5 o'clock saturday and then a good day out at molinoo, molinux, molinew. mol, ah bollox to it Wolves the following week, HAPPY DAYS

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Calm down old man T, another 6 points by 5 o'clock saturday and then a good day out at molinoo, molinux, molinew. mol, ah bollox to it Wolves the following week, HAPPY DAYS

6 points......and a very sore throat from screaming abuse at that Pulis man! I don't care how old I am, I'm giving him what for!

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Whilst not always agreeing with BB`s threads and at times been downright frustrated by some comments i can`t fault his desire to see the club we all love succeed on and off the pitch. I doubt there`s a more articulate and knowledgeable poster on this forum. Whatever his forthcoming commitments may be i wish him well and it is a shame he`ll not be as regular a contributor on this forum. Don`t be a stranger BB.


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BB, for me you are among the most interesting posters on here. Whether I agree with you or not you argue your case articulately and with obvious passion for the club. I do not subscribe to the view that challenging some of the club's commercial policies is somehow negative or disloyal. Rather its about being as good off the field as we are on it. I regard SL as potentially our best Chairman since the late great Harry Dolman but that doesn't mean he is always right. More power to your elbow.

spot on!!

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I don't particularly wanna read someones report, if they are someone who doubted Gary Johnson. In my opinion, in you doubted GJ then your just a fickle football supporter.

To get Yeovil promoted from confrence to League One - was a outstanding acheivement.

To get them to league one playing good football was unheard of at time, which makes its more of an amazing acheivement.

That was enough for me to have faith in GJ and I never lost that faith from the day he was appointed,

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I don't particularly wanna read someones report, if they are someone who doubted Gary Johnson. In my opinion, in you doubted GJ then your just a fickle football supporter.

To get Yeovil promoted from confrence to League One - was a outstanding acheivement.

To get them to league one playing good football was unheard of at time, which makes its more of an amazing acheivement.

That was enough for me to have faith in GJ and I never lost that faith from the day he was appointed,

A lot, and I mean a lot doubted Johnson on here. Bristol Boy even posted a thread asking for his resignation a while back when we lost at Doncaster or similar.

At the time I felt people who doubted him were incredibly quick to judge, but the problem is perhaps because managers these days only get 5 minutes to try and sort it out. How many clubs who have sacked their manager in recent times would be better off now? Probably a few I should imagine. I'm just thankful Steve Lansdown isn't one of those chairman- he sticks with people until it gets to the point that he is sure it can't get any better.

I was behidn Johnson all the way but that doesn't make me stop reading match reports from people who didn't- everyone is wrong sometimes!

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I was behidn Johnson all the way but that doesn't make me stop reading match reports from people who didn't- everyone is wrong sometimes!

I see what your saying. But surely someone who has a basic footballing knowledge would have known that we were in the relegation zone before he was appointed for a reason and that reason was because we were poor. GJ may have lost 9 games in a row - but it wasnt his team. Someone with a basic knowledge of football AND common sense, would have known this in my opinion.

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great to have you back BB - more power to you old chap!!!

always love your reports and comments, always find myself nodding along in agreement.

Like someone else said I think we have an ace Chairman and the stat's don't lie as far as GJ is concerned....

but it should not stop people on here challenging things in a positive way which is the BB way IMHO...

Welcome back.

Henry - polite Q, but you only registered in April this Year? are you someone at the club unhappy with the reports (come on Lee admit its you!!)

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