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Keepers Ball

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About Keepers Ball

  • Birthday 10/12/1968

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    Bristol City

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  1. This without question. So simple and yet...
  2. Ivan is on Facebook. And active. He will accept your friend request.
  3. I trained a bloke recently that has worked alongside Gary Owers. Told me he is the most boring man you could work with. Now I like him as a concommentator and talks a good game but maybe we may have a similar issue. I've read people's comments on Manning not being inspiring and for all his knowledge an idea's, maybe its not coming across?
  4. We don't do things like that anymore. Have you not noticed how bad the atmosphere is? Nowadays, Bristol City are followed by supporters not fans. Big difference. When was the last time you heard the ref get dogs abuse? People go to be entertained. The best you'll get are boo's
  5. Sorry fella but its that very attitude as to why this is City is absolutely backward when it comes to success. Size of the bloody place yet we have this apathetic mindset of it will do.
  6. A few years ago, I was told by a former player, Tinnion was/is known for back stabbing. Allegedly the reason why Wilson was sacked.
  7. That person has served their punishment. Named and shamed. I'd bet my house, they have learnt a lesson. Leave it at that.
  8. No I meant a song from the crowd. Not bloody music!!
  9. We need something anthemic, if that's a word. A tune that is instantly recognisable and classic. I was watching the Rangers v Aberdeen game tonight. The song they were singing I didn't recognise but itsnow stuck in my head. If we never make it to the Premier League, I honestly wouldn't care that much. All i want is decent football, some wins and a bloody loud atmosphere
  10. Blokes a Legend. Don't care what some pillocks think on here
  11. I've an idea. Get Crayon Boy to have a meeting with the squad. Convince them they are a top 6 side. I'm sure he'd give it a go because the Pr*t is determined to convince the supporters.
  12. We're doomed. Lets face it. Our owner has buggered us right up.
  13. Naismith is full of detail in his analysis. Would not surprise me if he went into Management at a young age
  14. Right. To answer some of your replies. The ones that stayed on topic, I have every right to grumble about this switched date. It's easy to be selfish. thats natural. But when you've a Son who knows he has to play, but knows some won't turn up, with a Manager who is a "Liverpool" fan and couldn't give a shit if City are playing. Now add my lad to all the other kids that play u-13 to u16s on a Sunday afternoon and their parents that go along I'd bet my house the majority are Season ticket holders. We've paid for that game and will miss it, because of the usual lack of thought to the fan..I mean Customer. Those idiots down at Bristol effing Sport know the amateur set up around Bristol. Its one of the biggest outside London.!!
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