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  1. I've found going to City a real challenge this season and after Cardiff(h) I decided that was enough and that I'd save the money for more trips to Taunton. Yesterday was my first one of those and just sitting in the sunshine and listening to the hum of the cricket was great. I can't wait to do the same again in a couple of weeks.
  2. Apparently Glos are looking at land near the Bristol & Bath Science Park in Emersons/Lyde Green. This screams White Elephant to me.
  3. The Stirchley mile looks interesting. ? Stirchley was nothing like that when I used to live nearby.
  4. Is anyone from here going next week? I managed to pick up tickets for me and my son this morning in the Raglan Stand for £125 which whilst expensive isn't too bad for a whole day. It looks like there are engineering works on the railway and the journey time is longer than the bus which is a bit of a pain in the arse. The search for a cheap hotel will start this afternoon.
  5. Those two young fast bowlers looked good. Where have they come from?
  6. A warning to anyone going to Taunton for the game today.
  7. Pretty much perfect weather for running saw me come home in 1hr 42mins. Never thought I'd manage that for a HM. I do wish they wouldn't send us down Welsh Back. Those cobbles are a bloomin nightmare.
  8. Yep. It looks like it might be a warm one if the BBC forecast is to be believed. I'd love to officially clock under 1hr 45mins after being over by 2 seconds last year. ? Good luck to those running and I look forward to catching up on times in the Strava group post run.
  9. The ECB have well and truly screwed over Somerset in recent years with players being taken away from important matches to sit around and carry drinks, plus of course the bloody 100 which means next to no cricket at Taunton in the school holidays. I'm more than happy for Somerset to sign Bancroft if it pisses off the right people and helps deliver that elusive county championship.
  10. I was thinking a meet up run and drinks the next time City are on Sky for a Saturday lunchtime away game might work?
  11. Count me in. Cheers, Phil
  12. I only joined at the start of lockdown but I've found it a huge help in getting the trainers on and hitting the road. There is no chance that I'd have made it out as often as I have without you lot. Cheers all.
  13. I'm enjoying seeing where everyone is running but i'm a little frustrated by Strava having always used mapmyrun. Is there a way of delaying the start to allow you to sort out your phone, keys, etc? Unless i'm missing something this doesn't seem to be a feature?
  14. Signed up this morning and went for a gentle plod along the railway path with @Redminster and the young'un. ?
  15. I said no as I simply dont think Danny Wilson is capable of the job of achieving promotion. I'm 28.
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