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andy g

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About andy g

  • Birthday 03/28/1975

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  1. the weather forecast is for sunshine and blustery winds this afternoon, so i think we'll be ok
  2. Again I have to ask the question, how can you say Miller hasnt been given a fair chance ? Last season he started 30-odd games (plus sub appearances) and only scored 8 league goals. Compare that with Lita or Brooker and youll find the real reason he's not getting a look-in this season. Alright, he hasnt played in every game, but he had plenty of opportunities to show what he could do last season. Time to nail that myth i think. And can someone explain to me why he is (apparently) doing better in scotland than down here ? Is it better service ? (if it is, then he'll still struggle down here) Does the style of football suit him better (if it does then he'll still struggle down here) Is he playing better closer to home ? (if he is then he'll still struggle down here)
  3. Yep, its possible he COULD have been suicidal. But its also possible he was just being an idiot. He wouldn't be the first footballer to drive around recklessly with little consideration for anyone else. And there are plenty of people out there driving about at break-neck speeds who AREN'T suicidal.
  4. Of course you don't deserve to die for being twice over the drink drive limit, but at the end of the day, this young footballer has no-one to blame by himself. He'd had no sleep for 24 hours, he was twice over the drink-drive limit, he was doing 120mph, weaving between lanes without indicating in the fog, with no fog-lights on. Talented footballer or not, if you're going to take risks like that, you have to accept you might end up killing yourself or someone else. And I don't think theres anything 'tragic' about his death.
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