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Abraham Romanovich

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    Knowle, Bristol
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    A living legend.
    In the past often seen in Stringfellows handing out signed photos
    That was a lucky escape! I nearly got sucked into a social whirlpool there, diverted from my lofty ideals into a life of debauchery! The flesh-pots of West London have been cheated of another victim! Eve has proffered the apple and Adam has slung it straight back at her!"

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  1. For those of a certain age
  2. I was there arrived at 12.00 to get into the ground when the gates opened at 1.30 ,front row of the Paxton Road end. For those interested Spurs team that day. Pat Jennings Defender Mike England Defender Joe Kinnear Defender Cyril Knowles Defender/Midfielder Dave Mackay Midfielder Alan Mullery Midfielder Terry Venables Midfielder/Forward Cliff Jones Forward Alan Gilzean Forward Jimmy Greaves Winger Jimmy Robertson
  3. Unable to watch a football match as a neutral whoever is playing always want one team to win. Unless of course it's Man City v Chelsea when I want both to lose.
  4. All sounds a bit Big Brother to me ( George Orwell not the vacuous game show) Certain irony that our most prolific poster is requesting a restriction on the number of posts for new accounts.
  5. It's posts like this that put winning a game of football into perspective. Clear ,concise and informative. Well played Sir
  6. When they say betting on matches can anyone clarify, what is wrong with 50p on say Man Utd to draw at Villa or does it concern bets placed on matches in which he plays (first booking etc). Taking my tin pot scenario further if the 50p becomes £10k does that change anything? if he is betting on matches where he can determine an outcome, that is obviously a problem and he deserves everything coming to him Or is all betting on football against the rules for players
  7. It's all a bit Alan Partridge.
  8. The sooner the better ,how anybody thinks results or performances are going to improve is beyond me. He is clearly the wrong man for our club and should be shown the door ASAP The worst of all worlds would be to allow matters to drift along until the end of the season ,invest over the summer and find ourselves in the bottom 3 after say 10 games.
  9. Even when we win the football is just so dull, who ever comes in next can we please have an Ange Postecoglou disciple rather than a Pep Guardiola tribute act.
  10. I maybe old school but for me nothing brings home the desired message more succinctly than a few well placed bedsheets Exhibit A
  11. Perhaps it is because I am not the target audience but frankly I haven't a clue what all this means. It may as well be written in Greek for all the sense it makes to me
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