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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Blackpool could have nicked it, finished much stronger. They were not terrible, that's wishful thinking.
  2. I thought Williams added to the panic when he came on, very rusty indeed.
  3. The idea is to be fitter to finish stronger. Maybe we are, but that did not happen. It is a mental thing. It needs solving very quickly.
  4. and that can't happen but it inevitably does almost without fail, why?
  5. Close, but no cigar. Can't be trusted with them mind.
  6. Good for her. Had a lot to deal with: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2019/01/21/bristol-city-women-manager-tanya-oxtoby-world-caved-brother/
  7. Nothing when compared to Oceans.
  8. Surely sonar would pick it up pretty well?
  9. 2 strikers rather than the enigma that is Paterson. Ugly but better goal chances.
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