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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. thanks, i just checked again and opened my eyes a bit further yes i can but check availability first. might get our secretary to get me one tomorrow. was hoping to go with some friends soon anyway and definitely going to one game this season with my head of comms
  2. can you pay at the ground?
  3. that must have been tins job back then
  4. another little problem here is there is now nobody else who has a scooby of an idea whats going on in most departments as BT is now running all of them the only way to sort it is for bt to have a few comms lessons, i expect nailsea school would do an evening class of some sorts but then he needs courses on the rest of the stuff hes got to learn,wont leave him much time at the club and thats a sackable offence as we know
  5. or being a bit nippon denso. regarding mickey bell, i hope they arent doing what they always do and looking at ex players for the future, i loved him as a player and often had a game of pool with him saturdays after home games but i cant stand the bloke now. might be a good coach but i dont do arrogance
  6. probably done his hamstrings, its a major requirement for our lot innit
  7. so do i,cant wait to get up there and cheer him on
  8. do you thinkthere are many in this position? weve been through so many scenarios on here the truth must be amongst it, even if the poster didnt know if it was true. it will come out one day and i dont think it will be good reading but there will be a period of time before that happens so it wont seem quite as damning
  9. brilliant short concise post and i will add to it A man and his staff that truly believed we were on the verge of achieving just that this season, not just one of them but all of them as a team, all helping each other in positive ways, unlike where we are now, just HOPING to improve and HOPING it will all click into place. never once did pearsons team give up even with the injuries and the lack of funds
  10. some on here will have a right laugh remembering 2024, luckily for me, i will be a dispersed box of ashes
  11. what done my head in after the game was both managers said we did well first half. id hate to think how bad its got to get before they think its crap
  12. a bit of slf for mr T If I thought you could find a way I'd tell you to go get lost But why ask you to pay attention When you brain can't stand the cost? Look at you and the state you're in Next to you even a brick is thin (Chorus:) You oughta scratch from the human race You are a waste of a name A waste of time and a waste of space You've only one claim to fame I don't like you If a thought came in your head It'd die of loneliness You rate absolute zero No more and not even less Look at you, oh what a state Next to you short planks are underweight
  13. i thought the job manning accepted was to get our top 6 capable squad into the top six quickly playing front foot football? i understood that to mean using the players we have ,not bringing in players who can play that way. if that is the case and he cant do it without his own players then he lied at interview saying he could do it or tinnion lied about the goals to be reached
  14. i was going to suggest for our 1 corner in the first half, then got trumped by the goal
  15. in the bogs hiding cus dads going to see what hes done
  16. hes waiting in the wings for his chance, think u18s
  17. thats cus hes a wally edit. cus im not like that
  18. they had to do that, the oppo fans kept taking the piss for having to stand in a tent
  19. need a win tomorrow as we wont get anything from the next 2 games
  20. just think,if we did implode and go down,we could get dicked 7-1 at the swamp next season
  21. i know hes still raw but i see some semenyo in there when he goes barging forward, as a sub and bit of training at releasing the ball at the right time would be very useful late in games especially when we cant fill our bench
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