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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. https://dontbottleitup.org.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI892rxIzS1QIVg73tCh2qLAPnEAAYAyAAEgLJEfD_BwE
  2. We never manage to adapt or react to other teams changes. So frustrated with that 2nd half
  3. Like Bryan against wolves. Not the 1st time we haven't attempted to close down the crosser this season
  4. who the hell…………………………………………………………. is the……………………………………………. commentator? and why does he keep………………………………………… pausing?
  5. Another goal from the ball played in behind the wing back and to side of the wide centre back. Its a joke. It was happening at the start of the season and is still happening. I can't understand why. Either they can't see it or don't give a flying ****.
  6. he should of read the danger from that long pass and been ready to come and gather the ball or smash it upfield, he's to indecisive. Just like he is with crosses or any sort of ball into our box
  7. Last season wasn't shit. All you do is ******* moan all the time. Every time you open your mouth, its to moan. You must be a really sad person
  8. to busy gobbling down on gerrards cock. Its his last ever mersyside derby you know
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