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Posts posted by Magicdaps

  1. Personally feel that pro-NP songs are the way to go if you want to voice an opinion on things, plus that could also have a galvanising effect on the players, rather than anti-Lansdown songs which I think could do the opposite in terms of impacting the wider atmosphere. 

    Some might say that that would let our illustrious owners off the hook, but it sends the same message, just in a way that could also help the team. 

    • Like 1
  2. Somebody needs to contact the club and let them know that they are becoming increasingly responsible for a sudden upturn in cases of substance abuse.

    Actually, don't worry.  I imagine several people within the BS offices have already read this 👋 and either my house has already been bugged, or my season ticket seat will have a trained sniper fixed on it at 3pm on Saturday.

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, RedRock said:

    Andy King I reckon will be Assistant Coach, with Eustace (or similar) as Head Coach. The King appointment would tick many boxes, including 'reaching out' to the many Pearson lovers.

    I was thinking something similar watching the latest Robins Uncut video.  Seemed to be a subtle focus on him imparting wisdom onto some of the younger squad members.

  4. If true, he'll have my support as this clearly isn't his fault, but it would appear to highlight another lie from the club based on what JL said this morning in that car crash of a video unless the initial shortlist was drawn up, revised after this new strategy was announced in light of the role that the new man needed to fill, and because "the news was just out there" so extra time was allowed to also considered the new names JL alluded could be added to the shortlist, due diligence undertaken on all candidates (it's a shortlist for sure, but still a list which is undeniably more than one name) interviews conducted, board meeting, job offered, selected candidate considered the offer and made the necessary arrangements to allow him to start before formally accepting etc. in around 48hrs.  Staggering work indeed.

    We've all been getting it wrong!  This is the most efficient, professional, streamlined set-up in the entire football league, perhaps the whole of Europe.  Makes me proud.

    • Haha 2
    • Flames 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    But it is a joined up decision….they are all in this together.  We can now judge them all.  We’ve not been able to do that in the past.  We’ve all been able to add our spin (me included) in the past.

    Success or Failure can be attributed now.

    Precisely.  Nowhere to hide for them now if this goes tits up.  Nobody else to blame.

    • Like 1
  6. Having had 24hrs, or thereabouts, to digest this, it just makes less and less sense the more I think about it.  Has a sacking ever been so universally opposed by the respective fanbase...I can't think of an example.  It's the misreading of the room and tone deafness which is astounding.  I almost feel sorry for the new man, whomever he may be, because normally they are treated like a breath of fresh air to a greater or lesser extent which can then manifest into the bounce effect that you see so often.  Granted, not always, but you know what I mean.  This appointment will have to not only hit the ground running with a depleted squad etc. but also deal with the potentially toxic circumstances created by SL.

    I can accept failure in sport, for the majority of teams that is the inevitable outcome in many ways, but only if you give yourselves the best chance to succeed in the first place.  Simply put, we just don't do the latter and that's what frustrates me most of all.

    • Like 3
  7. I have a few Plymouth supporting mates, one very good friend in particular.  Some who live in Plymouth, and some who grew up down there and moved to Bristol many years ago, including the very good friend.  To a man they were amazed at the 7 changes, and collectively feared the worst before the game once the teams were announced.  They also commented on the empty seats, especially in the South Stand.  The more locally based Plymouth fans were reassuring the others in the group that the SS would fill just before kick off as many would still be in the concourse using the bars etc. but alas, it didn't transpire, and I didn't really have much of an explanation as to why that was.

    I think they'll be fine moving forward.  As others have said the 7 changes were pretty naive, and in the words of some of the above they thought Steven Schumacher had mistaken the game for a Carabao Cup tie not a "local derby" (I know peoples interpretation of a local derby in this context differs to a greater or lesser degree, their words not mine)

  8. 25 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Do you see this as:

    what’s the point of going through the whole recruitment process, bringing a new person in, and then ownership changes and they might want to move them on immeduately.

    Feels like a “holding” restructure whilst the new investment stuff goes on slowly behind the scenes.

    Anyone shiver at this:


    From Post.

    Of course Werhun became COO once his relative Ashton assumed the role of CEO!!!

    Precisely my conclusion.  

    • Like 1
  9. I love the fact that we're not just rolling over and letting the Premier League pennies wash over us. 

    For the right price we sell, that's not in doubt, I think we're all realistic about that, but the "sale on our terms approach" is refreshing, and a sign of our improving overall health, both financially and structurally. 

    I also genuinely wonder about Alex's attitude to the interest from Bournemouth & Wolves and where he's set his sights personally.  I'm not being naive here as both would obviously be a step up the ladder, but if he was agitating for a move, regardless of destination, as long it was higher up the chain, then I think it may have expedited the process, which doesn't appear to have been the case.  I'm not saying he's particularly loyal to us, or doesn't want to move, of course he wants to progress, but he appears to be pretty sensible in his approach to his almost inevitable rise to the top end of the game. 

    • Like 4
    • Robin 3
  10. 46 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Yep, they made it onto Quest too before Sky…shows their quality.  It’s great how podcasters and tweeters have made the jump from the outside world into the insular world of pro-football.  I see quite a few “fanalysts” on twitter getting gigs at pro clubs too.  Some football clubs welcome ideas from the outside world.

    Subtle Dave, very subtle.

    • Haha 2
  11. I think with JB looking likely to return, it not only adds quality and versatility to the squad, but it also has a sensible degree of contingency built in as I'd be amazed if there wasn't strong interest in Cam this summer, plus Jays future is obviously still very much undecided.  I sincerely hope I'm wrong as Cam was a revelation this season, and his pace and power are a real asset both defensively and offensively.  I can also see us continuing our pursuit of Currie in addition to JB joining, assuming JD moves on.

    • Like 1
  12. On the face of it, signing Joe makes little sense if you think of him purely as a LB.  However, as others have said the DM role could make perfect sense, as well us give us more natural options (either in game or relative to opposition) such as Cam playing CB if required, as he's done pretty well when called upon to do so, and Joe slotting in LB.  Also it could allow for a back 3 with Cam or Joe equally comfortable in either the left sided defenders slot or the wing back role or even in front of one another in a 442 or 451 or 433.  

    It's actually a very versatile looking signing (not going to use any club in bag based analogies) 

  13. ACL was my fear based purely on his reaction.  Such a shame if true.  He's been excellent and is developing (rapidly IMHO) into a very solid defender with shades of Webster about him when he carries the ball out from the back.  Not as cultured a footballer as Webster, but you can see the similarities as a line breaking, ball carrying, centre back.

    Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. 



    • Like 1
  14. Really positive stuff.  We're on a superb run at the moment courtesy of showing a real togetherness and team spirit.  In the last week we've had a very good win against Norwich.  A frustrating game against Wigan, but one I think we could easily have lost not too long ago, and a late comeback point against a play off contending team, away from home, in front of nearly 40k.  

    NP is doing a first class job, which stretches way, way beyond just simply the match days.  

    • Like 2
  15. Probably there to scout Antoine.  Internal communication error at Palace or maybe some executive sh*thousery from Phil Alexander to invite Freedman down to AG if he's been on holiday and isn't up to date with the transfer window. 

    • Haha 1
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