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Everything posted by chipdawg

  1. I think that both handballs would have been harsh (though having watched it a couple of times, I think perhaps Carroll knew what he was doing on the goal line), but on another day they could have been given. But it wasn't another day I suppose
  2. The team did us proud today, that's all I would have asked for at kick off COYR
  3. Even in slow motion it was difficult to spot and it certainly wasn't deliberate. They've been very good at the back and a bit lucky up front. On another day and all that
  4. I'm pretty sure they got their smiths mixed up. Reid has been immense for them though
  5. Agreed, though as others have said I could see Agard having a bit more luck. Maybe Elliot for Saville too
  6. Winston Reid is a bloody good player That said, on this showing we've got some bloody good players too
  7. It's not surprising that he's zone for Saville; two holding midfielders to try and stop them playing
  8. To be fair, it doesn't matter what we do today that was the result of the round by a country mile I hope the boys do us proud today. Can't see us winning- we're too used to playing on the front foot and that's too strong a West Ham line up for us to be able to do that- but as long as they show the country what we're all about I'll be happy COYR!
  9. I've just put this into google translate and it's broken the Internet...
  10. My intense frustration at the dodgy wifi in this restaurant is tempered by the fact WE WON 3-0 AWAY AT PETERBOROUGH!!!!! Tis a good evening
  11. Just heading to get the train from Sheffield, looking forward to this immensely. The word from 'Tarn' fans I've spoken to is that they're good going forward but awful at the back- Danny Wilson's modus operandi perhaps?! So I guess we should be expecting goals galore today I just have a feeling we might come undone today, we seem to have been getting less and less convincing and if Barnsley offer a genuine goal threat, we could ship a few. As someone else said though, if Cotts puts a rocket up them and maybe even makes a few changes, minds may be refocused
  12. The ants of Manila have declared war on tea consumption! The response? "We shall fight on the biscuits, we shall fight on the tea caddies, we shall fight in the mugs and in the tea cups, we shall fight in the kettles; we shall never surrender..."
  13. Quick question: why do you keep your tea bags in the fridge?
  14. Got a feeling we might taste our first defeat today. Sorry everyone
  15. On paper that has to be one of, if not the best, front 3s in this division
  16. Don't be unfair; the problem has also been our woeful midfield Agree on the JET issue; for many people on this forum, it'll be a case of don't know what you've got till its gone
  17. I was being facetious in my original post, but there's not a great deal to unlock a defence in that team. I actually think Baldock and Barnett are potentially a decent partnership
  18. I'm not one prone to pessimism, but looking at that team I hope Barnett likes have balls smashed at his head from 40 yards away...
  19. Decent performance for the most part, though the change in formation didn't really work for me. Wagstaff was decent, as was Reid but my MoM for City was Pack; thought he did he really good job in front of the back 4. I think we looked like we had more quality in our team than Bradford, but they were very well organised. They were also very dirty I thought- loads if little niggles and sly digs with elbows and there were a few 'robust challenges' that sailed a bit close to the wind, there was one in the 1st half on Reid that looked 2 footed to me. Other than that a reasonably entertaining game, although all the chanting and banging on the back of the stand did nothing for my hangover! Draw a fair result in the end- both hit the post, Elliott should have scored a header in the 2nd half and Parish pulled off a cracking save so I'd say a well earned point rather than 2 dropped
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