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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. Same as freelance graphic designers. Most companies won’t hire you unless you are a limited company or are registered with an umbrella company, who sort out your NI and tax. I’m registered self employed with HMRC so can do self assessment but am employed by Parasol, the umbrella company, even though I don’t have any work at the moment.
  2. Yes some platforms are too short as it is eg Baker Street. plus on another note media offices will be open, itv, bbc, sky etc. Sky is in Osterley near Brentford, it’s a huge campus with 1000s of employee’s, including IT people, journalists, back room staff, designers, tv people, cleaners, admin etc. It’s miles away from most of their employees and those can’t all work from home
  3. Yes, reducing the frequency wasn’t a good idea, they used to be every two minutes
  4. Yes but it also depends where you have to get to. Not everyone can afford a taxi at £50 a day across London. I can’t seriously imagine people would put their life in peril because of arrogance. There’s just a lot of businesses in and around London. There may be people who haven’t had it confirmed to work at home yet
  5. I don’t know how people are supposed to get around London unless they put special work buses on, a lot of people won’t have cars.
  6. People have to go to work, there’s many hospitals, police stations, pharmacies, vital industries in London. I don’t expect they’re doing it for a laugh. The frequency of trains has been reduced dramatically, there will be an increase of people on each train even though the actual numbers of people have fallen
  7. TfL said it was 40, including DLR and overground, and these were mostly stations with no connections to other lines, all interconnecting stations were open. The services were drastically reduced to a train every 15 minutes, where in rush hour they’re approximately usually every two. You’re going to have large amounts of people travelling at the same time, there are hospitals, supermarkets, pharmacies and other vital industries all over London. If the tube is shutdown, they’d have to have special buses but even then they pose a risk too
  8. I can’t remember exactly but I’m sure it was a year, 2014-2015. Then it changed to UC (I stopped claiming then anyway)
  9. I had the same experience when I was on JSA a couple of years ago for about a year, whereas my friend’s brother didn’t get any and he had been unemployed for over 20 years. He is just lazy, wouldn’t even help out at that housing initiative in Bemmie which could’ve used his skills as a chip pie. The JCP made me feel like I was a criminal, treated me like scum. It was awful.
  10. Plus there’s no football. on the overground from Euston, relatively quiet but don’t use it regularly to know otherwise. People still need to get places. Paddington was a bit quiet on Saturday but the train coming back to London was full
  11. Don’t airports have to get air clearance to fly? Surely they would know who or what was taking off from their runway/strip? Or does it not qualify because it’s so small/private flight?
  12. There hasn't been much about him at all since the accident. Perhaps because there may be a criminal investigation?
  13. Anything about him? Surely the contract was with him and Cardiff/Nante/Sala, he should have some liability?
  14. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/remaining-march-fixtures-postponed/
  15. I wasn't critical of Chinese eating bats and rats, merely highlighting what happens when they do.
  16. This guy is an American public-health scientist and a biosecurity and infectious-disease expert. In the video he explains how coronaviruses are transmitted from specific animals to humans…if they weren't eating them they wouldn't be stacked up in boxes in a wet market and slaughtered on the spot for your delicacy!
  17. Just watching the Joe Rogan Experience and his chat with Michael Osterholm (an American public-health scientist and a biosecurity and infectious-disease expert) was interesting, talking about building immunity etc and the shutting of schools etc… How it Co-Vid 19 differs from Spanish Flu etc…
  18. I don’t know, you’d have to ask the Chinese government
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