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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. I just wondered if there was any specific time during the financial year/football season that would be better to announce a sale…
  2. if he was going to sell the club, would there be a preferable date to do so, or at least announce it?
  3. Perhaps he should take a look at his business model first? it’s my ball and you can’t play with it.
  4. Surely increasing robins tv prices would make more people watch on vpn streams?
  5. Perhaps that’s the idea? The club might notice people aren’t buying the official shirt.
  6. Hopefully SL won't sanction the sale of anyone tomorrow, Nige will not be best pleased!
  7. Yes, I don't particularly like any TV commentator. Clive Tyldesley, Guy Mowbray…I don't really know their names. So I liken her to them, not because she is a woman.
  8. but funny…I love Train Guy. #capucchoochoo
  9. It’s not up to us to decide. We just have to deal with the result/fallout
  10. I really don’t like her screeching either, you usually get a snippet of Yeovil’s game, post match on radio Bristol.
  11. No they probably have lots of things to worry about, all at the same time
  12. Same here! I also felt that SL had his priority in the wrong place. Too much emphasis on player trading and not on recruitment, building a good squad to progress. I'm scared that SL is reverting to that way of thinking again because we sold two players for a decent amount.
  13. yes, I was always suspicious of the 'trading model' being paramount in SL's eyes…it's not sustainable, ie returns aren't guaranteed
  14. Some were, some weren't… I didn't think it was sustainable but hey, I'm no football/financial expert.
  15. and I was so optimistic before the start of the season…
  16. I could move to Downend…?
  17. He obviously wrote that on a thread before last Friday
  18. Either didn’t affect me, well, possibly a bit… NATC possibly meant my flight from Cyprus was delayed for two hours (I was going to miss the game anyway) but I’m more disappointed by the lack of MDT. That was a shock when I arrived at Luton at 1am this morning to see that there wasn’t one!
  19. Perhaps he has someone lined up? ?
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