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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Red-Robbo


    Bath v Gloucester games are like football in the 70s! Moving on, I think the stewarding yesterday was pretty poor. Not just this incident, but I saw two guys bringing pints up from the bar and just sitting swigging them in full sight of a completely uninterested steward. Like another poster, I also witnessed someone smoking in the stands.
  2. But I think the bell may have tolled for him ever playing in defence again.
  3. I find it harder to take as Pearson was a top-flight defender and we know Kalas can be better than he's shown recently, Bentley can be better than he showed yesterday, James can be better. The less said about the Bell experiment the better. It reminded me of the "Richard Foster is a midfielder now" game under McInnes. I just wonder if Fleming isn't enough coaching help for Nige, and we need to recruit another highly able coach to help out with the First Team. Not sure if that would be fiscally achievable though.
  4. Rewatched the first goal again, as I couldn't quite believe how bad it was yesterday. So the clearly off the pace James gets done and allows Chong to turn, Bell is just missing and Kalas just stands in an ineffective place and watches, but why was Bentley where he was? Supporting the right goal post while leaving 5/6ths of the goalmouth uncovered. It was as soft a goal, as weak a capitulation, as I've ever seen at AG.
  5. Red-Robbo


    I certainly read that on here. A Leeds fan from Plymouth! There's no helping some people.
  6. My thoughts too. Ultimately, I want Pearson to pull us out of this bad patch and return us to the home form we showed earlier this year. To finish lower than we did in 20/21 isn't really indicative of ongoing progress.
  7. You are never alone. Remember that. People care for you and love you. Medication can help control low mood, but ultimately you will work your way through your problems and you will emerge stronger. Remember to picture that "five year" view. Will things be as bleak in 5 years time? Will these problems be as overwhelming then? It sounds like you've already realised they won't. Because they never are. Sometimes we need to take that long-term view to get us through the short-term shit. Hang in there.
  8. Perhaps because most supporters realise he took on the club in a shit position - players on big wages who weren't performing or had never performed - and is trying a total rebuild on absolutely no money. Splash the cash and no ifs or buts, we will face a points deduction. Those mitigating factors aside, there is no reason why we shouldn't criticise Pearson on the odd occasion when he gets things totally wrong, as he did yesterday.
  9. Red-Robbo


    If anyone "invited it" it was that guy. Not just celebrating their goal and unveiling his shirt (he was wearing a zipped-up coat at the start of the match) but goading and insulting the crowd sat around him. Either a committed masochist or an idiot.
  10. I thought that as well. Seemed to be quite a lot of water being poured on the pitch pre-game. I arrived earlier than usual, so maybe it's ever thus?
  11. I've never liked Chelsea either. En masse their fans are unbearable big-time Charlies with a high quotient of Cockney Wankaaah types. Everything about the club from its position in London, to its various horrible owners, to the colour it plays in, to the various West Country saddos who "support" it, gets my goat. That said, I've known some decent genuine Chelsea fans. Like any horrible club, the G*s for example, they can have the odd nice albeit misguided fan support them.
  12. Red-Robbo


    Didn't really look like that to me, AIS. The admittedly brief clip posted on here shows one City fan (the guy with the top knot) giving the fella a pasting and the other fans pulling him and removing him from his seat - presumably as a precursor to stewards removing the man from the area he was illegally in. It's clear from the Brum fan's hands he'd also been swinging punches.
  13. I said during the game that both his player selection and formation didn't work. Sam Bell has performed adequately in other games out of position, but here he was targeted and it has to be said fell to pieces. It wasn't just that we had no screen down our right flank. His forward forays suffered as he lost confidence and couldn't do the basic things. Falling over on the ball while in a promising position just about summed his afternoon up. They say "don't destroy the confidence of a young player" but I think leaving him on like that for a whole half probably destroyed it more. He should never have to be put in that position again. A loan to a team that will play him in his preferred role would be best for the lad. As you say, the Wells sub was baffling. From the first minute we had a failing midfield with only Alex Scott providing forward momentum. It was custom made for Massengo and Han was even warmed up and ready to come on at one point, but it appears NP changed his mind. I honestly don't know what was going through his head as he watched the game.
  14. It's an atrocity that tastes like slightly chilled, flat brown water with some sort of flavourless whipped cream on top. A pub needs at least one proper real ale.
  15. With a failure making crucial decisions.
  16. I think there's only one conclusion to be made from a paragraph like this: "But Dean was working in difficult circumstances, not only on that but it was really tough for him with the whole structure that was set up inside the club at the time. It was a really difficult place to work, I found it a difficult place to work because of the structure that was in place."
  17. Not with my plantar fascitis, son.
  18. I think the fact he earned £13,000 a day with England (and more afterwards) helped his cause.
  19. It's back in place after a wash and refurb.
  20. My gran's too. Another fact: I still have a four-pack of Babycham in the utility room cupboard that someone brought to a party at the cottage a decade ago and needless to say, no one touched. I bring it out every year, but still no takers...
  21. Agreed. At 58, I think my days of marching around with an SLR are long over. But who knows how we'd react if we had to defend our homes, our families, our way of life? I'd hope I could be as brave.
  22. They need to work on their beer choice. If they think I'm drinking "smooth-flow" John Smith's, they've got another thing coming!
  23. Thought this was going to be another thread about Mark Ashton...
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