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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. Having watched a while now while its definitely more than 'a bit' that I heard earlier I wouldn't say it was ragging.
  2. I don't think batting 2nd is going to be an issue with the deck going into later days....
  3. On the live stream they've been saying its offered a bit for Leach, and recently Taunton pitched hold similar throughout rather than get drastically worse. But there's been 2/3 plays on, a Lancs player hit a full toss straight at a fielder, a couple of silly stumpings where the player hasn't needed to leave their crease.
  4. We shouldn't be, commenators have been saying all day it's done a bit but generally been bad batting
  5. Ali chops on dangling the bat 19/3
  6. Green got a good one tbf good line
  7. 7 down Leach 4-27 *Cough* England selectors *Cough*
  8. 5 overs until the new ball so 25 with it
  9. Not sure about the interviewing the coach mid game.
  10. Bris should have had an easy try there, lad on the break just had to pop the ball inside before taking contact.
  11. Good lad Tom 100 up Got a feeling he may move back to the top of the order next season.
  12. One to go this morning, good work so far if we can get the last quickly.
  13. Bring Tres in as slip fielding coach
  14. Was actually a legit suggestion, good average this season and could bring some fight back. Allows Root to move back down to 4 as well.
  15. Can we get Ian Bell to come back and bat 3 then?
  16. I'd rather see Rory Burns, give him the chance over someone whose had one
  17. 2nd XI, 16 year old Will Smeed hits another 50
  18. Brooks has taken more wickets in CC and is more economical in T20 then our seam bowlers
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