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Everything posted by old_eastender

  1. oh dear Toffolo allowed to dribble past 3 City players to score.
  2. Silly play from Dasilva almost gifts them a goal Robins TV working fine for me, and sound OK
  3. Some good long spells of possession for us, hard to break well organised udeersfld down though
  4. Let's hope not, but if he will not sign a new contract then we must cash-in over the summer.
  5. Maybe time for HNM instead of James or Williams, who have both worked hard.
  6. Hopefully not tempting fate, but cannot see us collapsing with Klose in the heart of defence, he exudes calmness.
  7. Semenyo misses a good chance, allowing keeper to save on the floor. Lift it and it's in.
  8. Pring has been 'off the bus' since his brain dead play at the end of the PNE away game cost us a win. I like him, good athlete, doesn't shirk a tackle, just lacking a bit of composure at times, like the game referred to.
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