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Posts posted by Red94

  1. 8 hours ago, BristolGit said:

    Hi Everyone,

    Took my 2 young uns last night and there was a song continually sang by S82. No idea what it was, haven’t heard it before. My little lad keeps humming it and wants to know the words!

    any help great appreciated.


    So come on cheer the boys

    City make some noise 

    We go oh oh ohhhh

    oh ohhhh 


  2. 9 hours ago, OliOTIB said:

    Even in s25, struggle to hear most of the old school chants, even if the actual s82 boys get em going, the 15 year olds in the corner dont know the words. All they know is ‘ I cant read and I cant write’ (i dont need to go on)

    Rarely hear,

    Shit on the bastards below,

    Bristol *******,

    (hasnt been sung in so long I can barely remember the words so if anyone can help, appreciated)

    We are the east end AG,

    1,2,3,4,5 if you want to stay alive,

    My old man,

    The east end boys are in town,

    Some old bangers in there.



    I’ve tried to start these ‘older’ songs so many times in S26 but no one knows them so they don’t pick up. In the end I just give up trying 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 1
  3. 44 minutes ago, Tommycider said:

    I don’t think it helps that our songs and chance are awful. Been going for 30 years and these are terrible. You hardly hear any of the old songs they got the crowd going. Went to Coventry in the week and they had loads of great songs, compare to the rubbish, we sing nowadays, unfortunately.

    Try and start an older song in the singing section and no one knows it.

    End up getting about 10 blokes singing one older song and that’s it. All the younger lads are afraid to sing along in the fear of getting embarrassed by their mates. 

    Out of interest what older songs do you feel really get the crowd going? 

  4. The singing section is quiet because there are to many people interested in what’s on their phones instead of singing. 

    Majority of the young lads who should be singing are to busy snapchatting they are in the singing section and looking the part with all their designer gear on. 

    Put the phones away for 90 minutes, support the team. Don’t be afraid to sing, stand up and be counted!


    • Like 1
  5. The problem with the atmosphere at Ashton gate is the fans are to reactive to what happens on the pitch.


    If the fans were more proactive with the singing approach and backed the team the whole game no matter what was happening then the atmosphere would always be great. 

    We also need to sing less anti g*s songs and less songs aimed at the away support. It’s hardly supporting city and pushing them on when we aren’t even singing about them. 

    • Like 1
    • Hmmm 1
    • Facepalm 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

    I have to say, the placement of the singing section means that even from where I am - about three blocks along in the Dolman - you can't actually make out most of what's being sung, unless it's something very trad.  That doesn't help. 

    Placement of the section and cheap tickets doesn’t help at all. Section is full of teenagers hardly watching the game let alone singing! 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, marmite said:

    It's  the chicken and egg scenario. Which comes first  , performance or atmosphere. That's why we need to get the players syched up before they come out. 

    Support should be there especially if we are losing, the last thing the players need is the fans on their backs! 

  8. 2 hours ago, One Team said:

    Is that correct? If we are thinking of the same individual he was a security guard, not steward. 

    As I’ve said on this thread, the stewards weren’t an issue. In fact one I spoke to after it happened thought the security guards being in there was causing more issues than it was (presumably) set up to resolve.

    Yes, his pictures have been posted on a few Facebook groups. 

    They are always causing trouble the standard stewards are normally spot on 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Second City Red said:

    We have tickets for Nottingham Forest on Saturday.  I live in Birmingham (the username rather gives that away, doesn't it?). My sons live in London. I usually only now visit my home town for the Orchard Inn and a City match. I go to all of the Midlands matches, and previously, tickets to these games have been bought and posted. It seems that now this option is no longer available. So, unless I want to spend a long while in a queue at the City ground on Saturday, my only option is to drive the two hundred odd miles to Bristol to collect. 

    Why can't the club post out tickets any more? We surely can't be that short of cash?

    I always get my away tickets delivered costs about £1 to get them sent out, maybe you are missing the option? 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Harry said:

    I used to be one of the main ‘song starters’ but I’ve moved up to the family stand now. 
    I know all the guys who are currently in and around the drum and they do a sterling job and really do try hard, but I do wish they’d get back to more of a mix of songs rather than just ‘oooh Bristol City’. 
    We used to have numerous songs, sung numerous times each game - Drink up thee cider, Because of Saturday, Cider drinker, etc. It seems that the ‘thing’ nowadays is not to have numerous shorter songs, but to have one or two lengthy repetitive songs. 
    They have their place, of course, but I just wish there was still much more of a mix. 

    And timing is so important too. After a goal (and indeed at the final whistle last night), the go-to song shouldn’t be ‘oooh Bristol City’. 
    At those times, the go-to song needs to be something that encompasses the whole stadium. 
    The ‘lengthier’ songs also don’t allow for spontaneity. I’ve seen so many times where something ‘catalytic’ has happened on the pitch, ie a corner, a save etc, and instead of a song in reaction to that, the repetitive ‘ooh Bristol City’ or ‘Just can’t get enough’ song is continued. 

    So, in summary, I think there needs to be a better mix of the older ‘short sharp’ songs and the new ‘lengthy repetitive’ songs. And also more reaction to what’s actually happening on the pitch. 

    These short songs are still sung but don’t get joined in by the masses the longer songs give people more time to join in. In all honestly who really cares we created a good atmosphere so what does it matter? 

    • Thanks 1
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