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havanatopia last won the day on October 19 2019

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    Returning as often as I can to Havana, where I lived for many years; easier now that I am just a 55 minute flight away. :) Happy Days.

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  1. Did JJW not go there? I hope he walked or is he clinging to hope of getting paid. And is there any chance Swindon can start the season?
  2. There are quite a few Italian sides wearing green since they were formed. They are being told to throw away their history. No doubt if its forced without a revolt, tough call in Italy, other countries will likely follow suit Unnecessary tinkering. Then they will do more studies and say Purple is not allowed. Being colour blind is not nice, clearly, but is this the right way ?
  3. I agree to his smoochie talents on the last bit alright. In time they'll see through his salesmanship if not already just biding their time. As for the first bit... Tightening rules? What rules? And if we assume there are some, actually fit for purpose, using them would be a good start.
  4. Well, Parry is turning out to be an unmitigated disaster. I estimate there will be plenty more teams breaking similar rules this season knowing full well the little slap on the wrist will be so slight they will barely feel it. There needs to be a revolution.
  5. The criticism of the FL is on many subjects and on many levels. In the event you are carte blanche dismissing them all then you will find very few agreeing with you. On public relations and swiftness of action alone they have been utterly useless. That is enough. As a direct result as I said before they bring the rules of the game into disrepute. They are a busted flush and need replacing. You really don't need to go into the minutae; if you act like there is plenty of time, as they clearly have, you will eventually run out of it and then scratch your heads and blame somebody else which is exactly what they have done.
  6. I remember those quotes. Rumsfeld will not be missed. As for the Football League. I think this decision effectively kills any respect anyone still had for the governing body and effectively brings the game into disrepute; by its governing body. That has to be a first. For the FL to come out and say 'insufficient evidence for appeal' is a total lie . It has always been a whitewash exercise from the beginning. Whatever punishment is dished out will be puny compared to relegating the terminal liars. Like I said before 71 members should resign from the governing body, making it immediately defunct, and set up a new one. Derby can go swivel in the sun. Parry was supposed to be the tough breath of fresh air. He's just a limp ***** like the rest of them. That meal with Morris in west London was the ultimate stitch up.
  7. You would think no better reason for an Ashton Gate station. Yet to discount it now by excluding match day figures for football, rugby and basketball, let alone other events, seems beyond naive to me. Oh its a council! If you cannot get a job in the private sector work for a public body. Dumpsters holding back the regions because they lack intelligence. I cannot think of any other reason. Logic is something crushed by council dictat bollox.
  8. But only when the FL dish out proper punishment. Until then this sort of thing will continue to be routine... So who's up next?
  9. I am sure it has been discussed; it seems to me an utterly illogical statement for the FL to 'request a re-submission of 2016, 17, and 18 accounts' and somehow word it for us to all be gullible pups and accept that it will be complete before or perhaps up to a month after the season begins. First of all there is no prior evidence to suggest Morris will comply and even if he does nothing to expect anything other than a long delay by design. Companies House and HMRC no doubt will be waiting in the wings as well. Perhaps they have both been presented with a dossier with overwhelmingly damning evidence. HMRC would have the teeth to wind Derby up. What the toothless FL cannot do they quietly pass the buck for her majesties pleasure. If you think about it this does not sound implausible by mere token that the request for the accounts vis a vis a minor delay to the campaign is, ie utterly implausible. Everybody knows it is. What the point of a pitifully low 100k fine is all about i really don't know but maybe it is part of the bigger picture to come, ticks a box for FL and takes us a step closer to dropping the axe on Derby, the once proud football club now reduced to a pathetic little rump by a criminal. Their fans must hate his guts.
  10. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/derby-county-fixtures-wycombe-efl-5567991 If you scroll down a fair way they talk about the 'appetising' fixtures for Wycombe next year in league 1. The arrogance of this paper appears to know no bounds. It is a condescending piece of drivel. The journalist needs reporting for a disgraceful put down of a fellow football club. If I was editor i would be demanding a full retraction followed by a direct apology to Wycombe. Every week that goes by and they add fuel to the fire. By now they must be the most hated club in the land. No mean feat that.
  11. Well I beg to differ; if you were a clean owner you surely go out of town, well out of town, to recruit your auditor. The fact Morris did not sums him up quite nicely. The egregious little ogre should be struck off for life from sitting on a board and should be drop kicked into the rough never to return to the beautiful game which he has so blatantly and flagrantly brought into disrepute. Shame on him and all involved. We are likely talking about criminal offences. I hope they all do time. I used PP as a mere example but thanks for digging around. I was of the view that AA Consulting was still going... No licence to do audits tho.
  12. Shameful that you are blatantly touting Guernsey to all and sundry when SL clearly wants it only for the exclusive use of City. Talk about letting the cat out the bag. Deary me. I don't know.
  13. Some may recall the malfeasance, or so it was labelled and prosecuted as, about 25-30 years ago; Arthur Andersen, and others, submitted accounts, possibly for Polly Peck. In front of the judge they pleaded ignorance to false accounting because, they said, we can only go on the document from the client. The Judge 'laughed' them out court saying they were, at best, complicit, and at worst directly involved in cooking books. After all, he said, how could you sign off a set of accounts that bore no resemblance to any that had been in the previous 5 tax years in which you represented the client; did you not once stop to ask them what is this? Polly Peck no longer exists of course and AA closed its doors in the UK as Accountants, soon thereafter. Unfortunately the Football League is like a timid cat compared to the roaring lion of the FInancial Conduct Authority.
  14. I would imagine that would be somewhat taxing for your average Joe. Sound bites and headlines is what most stick to, much like glue.
  15. Might be a good idea to merge the other thread with this one mods.
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