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pride of the west

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Everything posted by pride of the west

  1. You ought to do a commemorative 4 pack to also include such greats as Altrincham away, Braintree away and bath City in the vase
  2. According to a poster on there, anybody who knows anything about football knows they have respectable support. Oh dear
  3. I can't wait to see their team photo with their new tent standing PROWDly in the background.
  4. That tent looks awful. Looks 2nd hand as well. Is it even designed for British weather? No wonder health and safety are a bit concerned.
  5. I see the sags have somehow won the fair play award. Ok il start... Fair play for choosing tents over a new ground
  6. Ah yeah see what you mean. Whatever happened to bukta? And Spall for that matter
  7. The keeper in that photo looks like a kid who's been forced to wear something he doesn't want to wear
  8. With that view from the west stand, I can imagine you will be able to see the goal. However, what about beyond the try line in rugby? Or does that start further in?
  9. Utterly clueless them lot. They are trying to dine out on the fact that they are doing everything on the cheap in the name of sustainability. Well their league 1 status won't be sustainable the way they are going about things that's for sure. Perhaps the penny will drop when they're in the relegation zone at Christmas struggling to score goals.
  10. Every gas I've spoke to seem to think they will make play offs atleast. Then I remind them they have to replace their main striker. But aparently that's alright as wally will just get the chequebook out. Ok then.
  11. The real figure for their wembley support must be filed in the same place the original deeds are kept showing the mem should never be destroyed due to it being a gift to the city.
  12. Complete helmet. I hope he goes just so the noisy neighbours button it for a couple of days. The tripe I've heard from the ones I've bumped into today is unbelievable. No different to what's been mentioned before other than one said he will stay because he's been promised 5 million to spend. I pointed out that figure is probably the entire seasons budget and not just to blitz on transfer fees.
  13. I've heard alot about this "we have our rovers back". What does that actually mean? When did it go missing and how were they found again?
  14. With this shirt sponsor thing, don't all the entrants get a load of benefits such as a box for a game and program sponsorship etc? Thus diminishing the value they actually get for the raffled items?
  15. Probably gone to look to see what a third filled new build stadium looks like
  16. As I thought pongo. A free entry to the shirt sponsorship raffle ain't gonna cut it. So the land and actual bricks and mortar won't ever be owned by the gas or indeed wally for that matter. The gap is truly closing people.
  17. So the question has to be asked, what do the investors want in return for their cash
  18. Why do they think we are scared of them? Personally I'm more scared of the premier league parachute payments coming in next year. They are more of a threat to us and have a higher monetary value that wallys net worth
  19. So wally ain't buying them a stadium then? He's hired a couple of blokes to go out and find him the money. The saviour they said. Debt free they said. billionaire they said.
  20. Where's the bit about the nerdy girl being lumbered with huge credit card debt when the quarter back does one after selling her home from under her nose?
  21. Have the old directors loans even been paid off? All we know is that their shareholdings have been purchased. Can't remember seeing anything about the loans being repaid as of yet.
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