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The Gasbuster

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Everything posted by The Gasbuster

  1. That can be said of any government in power, Bill.
  2. I suggest you read my post above. You are trying to start an argument with the wrong man, pal!
  3. Mugabe is a **** of the highest order. Yes, he and Mandela were allies before both took office. However, one took the path of vengeance and retribution. The other took the path of forgiveness and united his country. The two men cannot be compared.
  4. Looking forward to this next test more so now, than before. Just to get away from the depressing situation at City, if nothing else !
  5. An amusing post from the slag forum : WHAT THE F!? Why the hell were we invited to watch the confirmation on the screen at the Mem then!? Why the hell were we on the fkin news jumping about celebrating and had Higgs n Dunford coming in the bar hugging people n buying them drinks!!? I THOUGHT/Was led to believe that it was because WE HAD THE STADIUM! It was CONFIRMED! that's why we were CELEBRATING!! Now we're left looking like complete tits! How many fkin hurdles have we got to go over!? That was supposed to be the last one!? But no there could still be more!? Why the hell did they let us celebrate prematurely like that!? I'm fkin devastated with this news
  6. Nick Griffin, Boycie & Dunceford..........
  7. Filipinos are lovely people and the Philippines is a beautiful, if very poor country. I doubt that there is another country where the people can be more welcoming. The reports show people with literally nothing left, yet they still manage a smile and vow to carry on. Unfortunately, the country's infrastructure is very limited, and they are destined to struggle with putting their lives back together after this disaster. The rebuilding will take years. Credit to Havantopia for staying put to help. The Philippines needs as many friends as it can get now; that includes countries and also individuals.
  8. This seems prevalent now with "modern policing". Any violent outbreak these days (riots etc..) is met with filming of the perpetrators, then kettling them. No attempt at arrest on the spot is made, but the culprits are picked up some weeks later. While it is understandable that the police want to avoid injury to themselves if possible, it does not come across well to see them standing by as people's property is destroyed in front of them.
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