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Posts posted by zombie

  1. Wouldn't be surprised if we went to the Man City route, with Manning's CFG background.

    No idea what the squad think and who has the necessary leadership qualities in the group. We've all been in changing rooms where it's obvious who the captain and leaders are.

    I'll go for Knight C and Tommy as VC if he's stills here. Don't think any of the defenders or GK need or would benefit from having it.

  2. 2 hours ago, cidercity1987 said:

    I'll enjoy the rest of the season if we win the next three to make Norwich away a very interesting game with an outside chance of the play offs (as they will drop points between now and then)

    Otherwise the season is still a failure to not even be in the play off conversation 

    Unlikely we’ll win the next 3.

    Success/failure is different for each club. Finishing 4th maybe failure to Southampton, finishing 4th from bottom is success to Plymouth. At the start of the season I thought there were around 10 sides with a greater chance of promotion than us, as did the bookies and many on here. I thought we’d be mid table, I obviously hoped for more. As long as we have the wrong people making the wrong decisions next season my expectations will probably be the same next season, but again I’ll hope for more.

     I think supporters expectations often exceed reality. To look at the list of clubs at the start of any season and think we’re amongst the top prospects for an automatic or playoff push is weird, I look at the top 6 now, the 3 that don’t go up will be a shorter prices next season than us, as will the 3 who come down, then you have Cov, Hull, Boro, Sund, Watford etc….

    Btw, not a happy clapper, not been drinking the Lansdown Kool-aid either. It is possible to support the team/players/club while knowing a change at the top is necessary for progress, we were heading the right way, we’ve gone off track. We are not run well, however many other clubs are run worse. We are mid table championship, we want more, but those of us who have been supporting for a while recognise this is a stable (boring) relatively successful period for the club. That being said, it is a slog, I’ll be voting with my feet next season as I’ve better things to do every Saturday, I’ll review my decision in December if things have improved on and off the pitch. The football has been poor for a while, the excitement has gone, like others I find myself less worried about winning or losing than ever. The highlight is having a laugh and a few beers with the boys, but next season I’ll attend a few pre Christmas, but the rest of my Saturdays (and Tuesdays) will be spent with my young son and the missus, it won’t be long before I have to start him on City regularly, he’s been already when he just turned 2, not ready yet, or I could save him the trouble and get him in to something else, I do wonder if I’d have been better off if my old man didn’t make me a Junior Red 40 years ago, he’s got a lot to answer for 😁

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  3. 1 hour ago, spudski said:

    I don't know anyone that expects top 6.

    We are constantly being told by the media and our owners, and board that we are expecting top 6 and and promotion. 

    But this is pure folly. 

    Putting your hopes and expectations into top 6 and the lottery of the players offs is a joke. 

    No one runs a business like that. 

    We have the infrastructure, and grateful for it. However we have an owner and board that imo, are miles off making the correct decisions in progressing to the top 6 or Prem aspirations. 

    Being told every season that we expect top 6 or promotion has now become a joke. 

    Fans see through it. 

    It makes them look like idiots imo

    What do they tell or try to sell to the fan base?

    The carrot is the Prem, even though I reckon less than 5% of the promoted teams in the last 10 years have stayed up.

    We need to be more ambitious than survival, not knocking Plymouth, but for them staying in the Championship would be success.

    They need to tell us we’re going for top 6, top 2 unrealistic, bottom or middle third is not a going to sell tickets or enthuse the fans. I want more, I think promotion is unlikely but not impossible each season, that’s the dream. I don’t think the club should come out and say we’re happy with a sustainable 10th - 14th even if they are happy with that, that may be the objective and maybe hope for better while the hope some comes in and pays close to SL asking price, which isn’t looking likely.

    I want the club to have a strategy, ambition and plan, but also don’t want the, to put the club at risk. The current ownership need to go, I’d love a new ownership and vision, but what’s the point in overspending and bringing in players like Fabio Carvhahlo and being 2 places above us like Hull are now?

  4. 31 minutes ago, RollsRoyce said:

    I fundamentally disagree with your whole post. There is no sense of realism or recognition of circumstance. It is almost passive aggressive . I saw a club emerging from a period of potential financial disaster , with young talent developed , some scintillating football on occasions marred by defensive lapses , a squad committed and willing to work for each other , a huge transfer positive in the bank and no relegation (that was probably due after such mismanagement) add on substantial player improvements too. What I find really concerning , and it is the blind spot the owners and fans like you  have is a complete disregard or understanding of what makes a successful football club . Quote all of the teams you want , but until you take time to understand why those clubs have been more successful than us , then you are going to contribute to flap around with empty comments and no substance . Pearson was the least of our issues. His time would have run, but you do not throw the baby out with the bath water . 

    For the sake of the club, Otib, fellow supporters and themselves , some supporters need to put their spectacles on. 

    You actually back up my post in part. You fundamentally disagree with anyone who doesn’t share your view, therefore you reject it. You are more likely to agree with those who agree with or share your view, that is confirmation bias. I said some posters may get defensive. Try rereading my post and your reply.

    I am aware of the great work NP did, he fought fires, he got us out of a hole previous regimes had dug for us, we were heading in the right direction, he should’ve remained in charge. I won’t pretend to be some football guru, but I know what makes a successful club, business, team etc… To dismiss/ignore others thoughts purely because on first look they don’t align with you own is ignorance.

    My post which you were replying to merely stated that NP football wasn’t always easy on the eye, that’s my opinion, I can appreciate it and players effort, as I could with a Mourinho side, as a player I was not the most cultured, more of a soldier than an artist, so I definitely appreciate digging in and the less flashy side of the game. But I’ll stand by my point, newsflash, we were not 1970 Brazil.

    I am not sure how many times I have to say I don’t support or respect our current ownership, they can’t go quick enough, however looking back at NP is not healthy for anyone, look to the future, like telling all your mates how great your ex was won’t help you find happiness in the long run, nor will having a pop at those who share many ideas with you. Do you think wishing NP remained in charge and defending him (even when he’s not being attacked) is helping yourself or BCFC going forward?

    My spectacles are on, I don’t care if yours are on or off as it doesn’t matter if you only look back. Unless you have some way or plan to disrupt the ownership, get NP reinstated or can expedite the sale of the club I don’t see what good pining for Nige is doing, you’re preaching to the choir, if I’m calling the shots he’s still here.

  5. For those who don’t know or are unsure, I was a NP fan, I don’t think he should have been sacked (although we all knew the writing was on the wall and there was no new contract forthcoming), LM has a long way to go to make me ‘believe’, however some of the replies on here are so far off the football I remember as a whole. 

    The levels of confirmation bias on here are unreal, those guilty of it won’t be able to see it and will likely get defensive, but any objective poster will see the sample size and handpicked NP games being offered up by some posters as some of the good times under Nige, but will know that they aren’t a fair reflection or representation of his whole time here.

    Watching Bristol City FC has been a slog for a long time, let’s not pretend NP had us playing like Keegan’s Newcastle please. It a shame NP didn’t get a new deal (pending a few more decent results) or that he didn’t see out his contract, but let’s not try to convince ourselves that we were watching scintillating football. For the sake of the club, otib, fellow supporters and themselves, some supporters need to lose their rose tinted and move on from NP, not saying support or forgive the ownership, but forget about your ex, otherwise you may find that your love for club won’t return and you’ll forever have a large, ostrich shape hole in your heart.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    I would also say WBA are a bigger club than us historically but how much difference that makes Idk.

    No doubt, that will make a difference to fan base. I think our supporter numbers are fantastic considering our history.

    Also, having been an established Prem or even yo-yo club make them potentially more attractive to new signings than us.

  7. 42 minutes ago, cidercity1987 said:

    In a usual season our attendances are at least top third, or if not top six. So there is that. I appreciate this season they are midtable as there are a number of well supported clubs, but our crowds are higher than Stoke for example and way higher than loads of the mentioned ex Prem clubs like Blackburn.

    We cannot compete with parachute clubs but we should be able to compete well with every single one of the remaining non parachute clubs. It's totally embarrassing that 50 clubs or more (many with far less resources) have made it to the Prem and we have not.

    I am not aware that being an ex Premier League club gives any greater right or even resources to challenge instead of us?

    Not sure on attendance, seems unlikely, but no problem admitting I’m wrong if that’s the case.

    I also can’t agree with your last line, being an ex Prem Club definitely gives greater resources to challenge.

  8. 2 minutes ago, cidercity1987 said:

    EXACTLY, which is the opposite of the point the opening poster is making

    Nope, Mr Pop has replied to you and pointed how that they’ve been receiving Prem cash or PP for the last 20+ years, so comparing WBA and ourselves is like comparing apple as and oranges. Comparing ourselves with Preston, Millwall is more realistic than the Baggies.

    As the OP I wasn’t making a point, I was asking do we deserve to be higher or does our position fairly reflect other metrics.

    Not sure I can agree with your story/recall of us having top 6 gates either.

  9. We’re always hearing about on the field metrics; XG, pass completion %, aerial, duels, distance covered etc….

    They are useful indicators when assessing the game or players.

    However, when trying to objectively assess the club how should we do it? We all want the same thing, a realistic playoff or title challenge, but realistically nowadays with parachute payments is that fair?

    Some expect top 10 or higher, but what areas of the club are top 10? Do we have a top 10 transfer budget? Top 10 wages? Top 10 attendances? Is the HPC a top 10 training facility?

    We’ve never been in the Prem (I know there was football before that), but realistically we’re not a Leeds. There’s nothing wrong with ambitions and aspirations, I’d love more success on the pitch, I wouldn’t mind a few more lows as long as I get the highs too, we are mediocre, chatting to Leicester fans last Friday reminded me how boring being a City fan has been in recent years.

    I’m no supporter of the current ownership and leadership, but am grateful for the stability and platform they’ve given us, but are they being too harshly treated and do we, like all fans, have unrealistic expectations?

    The top 6 is predictably predominately recent Prem clubs, the only surprise being Ipswich, even teams which have arguably gone for it like Hull signing Fabio Carvahlo to their fairly star studded squad only sit a couple of places above, it makes you wonder if it’s worth having a real go, I do appreciate the likes of what Luton, Brentford etc… have done, but if you don’t have the very best leadership, huge ambition and some good fortune is it worth sinking millions in when there’s unlikely to be return on investment, in fact does being more sustainable make us more attractive to a prospective buyer, is SL holding back financially (compared to his history) potentially doing us a favour in the long run?

    We all want Prem or even Championship top 6, but why should we expect it if we don’t have a top 6 squad, back room team, board, transfer/wage budget, attendances etc… Is it unfair to expect more when everything about us screams mid table?

    I would like to know why some may feel we should be considerably higher, we all want more, but would that reflect what is happening off the pitch relative to our rivals? Are some fans being a little entitled? Hopefully if anyone replies they have something to say regarding some off the field areas where we may excel (like the minutes players from the HPC play) or where we are mid table or lower and this doesn’t just turn this into another NP v LM or BT/JL are clueless thread.

    • Like 2
  10. 9 minutes ago, Sir Geoff said:

    The football has been poor to watch since Manning took.

    It wasn’t that easy on the eye under the previous management either, let’s not kid ourselves otherwise.

    Not a fan of the current leadership at the club, don’t like how and when they got rid of NP, however he could have received his P45 earlier in his tenure and I doubt there would have been too many tears shed. Also, I realise and accept that his contract wasn’t going to be renewed, likely due to his outspoken style rubbing the higher ups the wrong way, also his health and age could have been a factor. They cut ties, perhaps to give the new man a chance this season, but also an opportunity to assess the club and players before his first whole season. For clarity, I do not support this decision, NP would likely still be in charge if down to me, he’s not, I accept that that decision was down to others, who have invested considerably more than I.

    That being said, I’m not loving the match day experience, football, direction or leadership, I also have a toddler who’s too young to go at the mo, so I’ll probably do as you do. Watch a few early games, see if we’re progressing, see if my young boy fancies it and review my situation in December, like a glory hunter 😄

  11. 45 minutes ago, noize said:

    Funny how we weren't even in contention, but now we have appeared in the list of possibilities.

    I'm gonna stick £100 on City at those odds.


    Would you care to prove you’re putting £100 down? I personally think you’re chatting bs and not sure what you’re trying to prove or achieve, however if you believe there’s a chance then I’d suggest you stop betting and definitely don’t give up your clearly highly paid day job.

    Are you a liar or are you are a terrible gambler? Which one noize?

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  12. 9 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    That would be amazing.

    Will definitely be doing LSTD for The Streets too

    You won't be disappointed, Mike/the Streets are arguably better live now than in their heyday.

    Saw them last Sep at Pilton Party, brilliant, better than their headline set at the John Peel 2019, jeez that's longer back than I thought.

    Not been to LSTD at AC yet, do you have friends in Long Ashton? I've been offered local resident tickets (up to 10 I think) for circa £30+ booking per day, or £55+ for the weekend. Also, missus is NHS so can get cheaper tickets that way too, do you know any doctors or nurses?

    I know plenty of takers, but could be able to hook you up, can even ask my neighbours, just need to sort my plans first, I don't need to worry about the playoffs now 😁, but I do have a wedding evening do down in Devon on the Sunday, lots of travel, a hotel and beer money for 4-5 hours when I literally have The Streets on my doorstep for 30 notes. Also need to decide if I can be bothered with the Saturday, Rudimental are well worth a watch, but like The Streets I've seen them many times, not sure if I can bothered with the LSTD crowd, which seems to be a lot of young posers only there for their social media.

    Weekend line-up is ok, but if I can walk there and get in for £30 I'll probably just have a beer locally or in the garden and go for the headline, it's still a bargain.

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  13. City playing Friday means I’ll probably pop down with my little lad Saturday night, can’t do it Mon-Fri as there’ll be too much traffic or it’ll be too late and the weather looks ok 👍 

    Probably have to leave Bristol by 6.30, so will have to think about parking and prioritise certain exhibits 🤔

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  14. Don’t post much, don’t think I’ve posted on this topic/the Gas. Anyway, is Wael AQ (?) still involved?

    Now Joey is gone I seem to feel less hate towards them, don’t get me wrong I hate them, but that bloke was and is clearly the lowest of the low and brought the worst out in some of their followers (like shite MAGA *******, waiting for excuses to put their hate out there), I know/knew a few gasheads, some reasonable and fairly realistic, still a little delusional (like all fans, myself included, but less so now), unfortunately Joey’s reign made me lose touch with a few of his believers (former friends/team mates) which could be a blessing, some are now thankfully changing their opinion of the wife beater.

    Lost my thought track, been unwell, first drink of the month 🤦

    Is Wael still involved?

    Anyone else lost contact with gasheads as a result of Joey?


    Happy New Year to you all UTC 🙌

    note to self, don’t drink and post, having flashbacks to 20 years ago and I’d message some Doris off me phone, black out and be like ‘who are you?’, thank **** no socials back then

  15. Humphries looking formidable.

    Anyone have any tips on how to buy tickets? Think I’ve signed up for notifications previously and been trying and looking for a few years now. Not a super fan, but watch regularly, would love to attend the 2025 World Champs, ideally round 3/4 onwards (after Christmas), preferably final, SF, QF.


  16. 2 hours ago, Lew-T said:

    How did everybody do?

    Got lucky this end.

    I won’t relax until I get an email confirmation though!

    Having a year off, I did try for my usual group though. No joy for any of our lot, every year for the last 10+ years we've always had 3+ booking groups, 15-20 of us and never failed or missed out.

    They're convinced there's something up, that seetickets are favouring certain postcodes or block some IP addresses or some other conspiracy 😁


  17. 10 hours ago, maxjak said:

    Whatever you do.............Don't Boo him.........Because Proper England fans should NEVER Boo England Player's!   Harry has Spoken, and in Harry's World........ you are NOT allowed an opinion?

    Little late, may have had a few. Just can't work out (probs me being thick) if you're supporting Maguire or not?

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, Harry has played 60 games for his country, can't remember too many mistakes, he's still arguably Man Uniteds best defender.

    Chat to anyone at the highest level, City's level, decent non league, any bloody level, being negative doesn't help. That applies to life too.

    MaxJak I hope you were not slating HM for his last game, or any game really. If you were or are the type who likes to pick a scapegoat in our team please stop, or tell us what level you played at and when it was ok to shit on someone.


    Very pished, will most likely delete shortly....

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  18. Just an idea with Stones, more of a ‘what if we had more depth at CB?’ thought.

    As things stand today, I’d be keen to see Rice, TAA & Jude get some minutes together pre Euros. Long season ahead, but with everyone fit I’d not be too upset to see something like below if the tournament was imminent:


    James. Stones. Maguire. Shaw

    TAA. Rice


    Saka. Kane. Rashford

    Depending on opposition and form very easy to make a case for Walker or Grealish to be included. It would also be on the proviso that TAA get minutes in the middle in the next few friendlies, ideally alongside Rice and Jude. As I said long season ahead, loads can change, but if most of those stay fit, especially the key players (Kane, Jude, Saka, Rice) we have the basis of a team that should be in the conversation of those who could potentially win the thing.

  19. 10 hours ago, maxjak said:

    So who replaces Phillips?   And please don't say that bloke who plays in the desert.........Ha!!

    Rico Lewis? TAA? It’s a shame that we don’t have more depth at CB, otherwise Stones would be an option. Dunk has been playing well for a while, think he prefers LCB, same with Colwill, but looks like Maguire will likely be LCB. Guehi or Tomori aren’t currently at Stones level at RCB, yet. I do think Stones will definitely start the Euros at RCB, but playing him as the 6, Rice as a 8 and Jude wherever he sees fit is just a thought I had.

    Next few friendlies I’d be picking (if fit) TAA, Rice, Jude, hopefully the games will be against decent opposition and they ‘click’, all 3 are very talented, all bring something slightly different to the table, it should/could work.

  20. If the OP hasn’t deleted it then a mod needs to explain the removal, not the first time this week I’ve noticed censorship. I do hope the forum isn’t turning into something similar to the gas forum/echo chamber.

    Like most I’m a fan of NP, I’m also happy to read what others may have to say and those who may question his and his team’s methods. The OP (even if I may have disagreed) took the time to share their thoughts and opinions, they may not have been the popular consensus on here, but that’s no reason for removal, if that’s what’s happened, which I hope and doubt has.

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  21. Just a quick question, does anyone know how long our deal with O’Neills is? Is it just this season and then we’re looking for a new supplier for 24/25? Is there a break clause or way out if it’s a longer deal?

    Not a lot can be done about this season’s kit and merch, hopefully the sales will reflect the opinions on here. If we know a new supplier is on the horizon and that the powers that be are willing to listen to the customers/supporters, then we just have to put this down to a bad year, move on and hope for better going forward. I don’t spend myself in the club shop, but do have a little lad who’ll be coming more regularly (been to one game already, before he was 2?) and I will be spending more I’m sure going forward.

     I did recently discover a beauty of a kit from when I was a junior red, probably from when I was around 8-9, I would have worn to the Freight Rover Trophy Finals. It’s in good condition, but does have the chunky collar which must’ve been ok in 80’s. Can’t wait for him to grow in to it, it’s a classic.


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  22. 5 minutes ago, City oz said:

    Mr Dante, Sorry mate but my expectations might be a bit higher.

    How many CBs do you think we should have in our squad? What happens when all 5 or 6 are fit? How you going to keep them happy and how can you justify the wages? This is just a bit of bad luck, fortunately we’re not going up or down so we’ll muddle through, it could’ve been more costly had we been in a battle at either end of the table.

    Your expectations are unrealistic or at least show a very limited understanding of managing a group of players or a budget.

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