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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Have to say that i am very pleased that Downing and Simpson are on their way................Galton & Simpson would have been an improvement? You only have to look at he standard of organisation, defending at set pieces, level of passing, basic skill levels etc, to see that an upgrade on coaching is needed? I appreciate that the players are also culpable for the level of performances, but quality coaching staff are essential due to Nige not being a hands on manager. So it is paramount that we have top level coaches dealing with the squad on a day to day basis. And to me it is obvious that the coaching is not of a good enough standard. I wish both of them well, I am certain they will be well compensated for their average efforts, but we need some top coaches with new ideas and input to improve and motivate this squad IMHO. The High Performance Centre's standard of High Performance seems to me, NOT High enough.
  2. Yes that's the ongoing problem, the Premier League seems to be, to a certain extent, a law unto itself. Everything seems to revolve around what they want, and they have such financial clout and influence that it becomes difficult to get things changed. I think it is an unhealthy situation, which needs looking into. I do not have sufficient knowledge about how it all functions, so i need to educate myself, regarding such things as government involvement, rules and parameters. The way they managed to find a suitable means of allowing Newcastle to be taken over in a extremely dubious manner shows just how much money is their master?
  3. So the bottom line is.....will anything be done about it? It just seems like a lot of hollow talk, and absolutely no action. I can see this dragging on and on, unless someone makes a positive stance and shakes the phecking Premier League up somehow?
  4. Make sure the ward sister doesn't see you on the keyboard...........and don't forget to play with the sponges, as sharp objects are a No-No
  5. Thanks Brady Bunch...........for putting me straight ?
  6. If Downing IS the Defensive coach? Then he also needs to be replaced IMHO. With the players we now have available in our defensive squad, we should be so much better organised and solid. The priority to work as a unit at the rear should be being drummed into the back line, which as a force of habit, constantly play too deep. It is the responsibility of the defensive coach to drill, organise and create a strong defence, and make certain they learn deep seated habits and work hard. Improvement is needed at the back in decision making and organisation. Some of the goals we have conceded this season have been poor to say the least. I appreciate a team defends from the front, and that the forwards and midfielders need to contribute to the cause, but the specialist defenders in the team have to learn when to tackle and when to close down....lessons which have not been learnt, as shown by Forest's 2nd goal.
  7. Well done Richard, it is definitely something that needs addressing ASAP. Unfortunately it is probably not as much of a priority with the Premier League authorities, as it should be. They are probably far too busy finding a way to allow Despotic murdering financiers get a foothold on the gravy train? As there is strength in numbers, i think Richard should try to create a pressure group with other like minded EFL clubs so as to get the attention this issue deserves, the more clubs that protest, and call for action the better. Let's just hope that something can be done about this?
  8. I never know?.............are flames a good or a bad response to a post? Ha!
  9. As Nige isn't really a "hands on" coaching type of manager, the role of Senior Coach with the club is surely of paramount importance? I would like to see a quality defensive specialist coach (Ex-top grade player) and a also a specialised coach for the attack. I do not know if we have the ability and financial wherewithal to achieve this, but as i believe we do have the necessary talent at the club, the correct appointments could be crucial in getting the very best out of the squad.
  10. If only someone had, had the cojones to change it to.......................well you know?
  11. I hope for Paul's sake, that it is not health related? I don't believe it is. I have been concerned for a while about the possible levels of coaching ........at the High Performance Centre (Misnomer?). Some of the basic aspects of our play, eg Passing, tackling, corners (Taken and Defended), positional play, organisation etc, to my eyes, leave a lot to be desired. The coaching staff have had adequate time to stamp their abilities and education onto the squad, but I have not seen any noticeable improvement in the quality of our performances, and have wondered if the standard of coaching is up to scratch?. I am well aware that I have no means or access to the coaching that takes place, apart from what i see on the pitch, but i would think there is plenty of room for improvement? I would hope that a coach of a higher quality could be recruited, which would hopefully motivate and improve the squad. It will be interesting to see if Nige has someone in mind? PS. It made me laugh that Andy Weimann made the point at the Hen & Chicken, that our players have run more distance during games than the opposition, as if this was a good thing? It might mean they are fit Andy......but also, that we are constantly chasing the other team to try to get the ball back?
  12. There should be a statue of AD At Ashton Gate..............and also some kind of tribute to Gerry Gow. GG was immense, his combination of toughness and skill would be worth a fortune in todays transfer market. What an outstanding player.
  13. Maybe i am not looking at the big enough picture, and am being too harsh on Dasilva.....but he IS brushed aside, as if he isn't there, and is totally ineffective. Of course it is the culmination of a general malaise within the squad, which through a combination of tiredness and poor judgement let Forest waltz through unimpeded. I suppose ultimately, Baker's ridiculous attempted tackle is the final Nail in the inevitable coffin of our defending ? Ha!
  14. Baker is a good defender.....but he always looks like he is running in treacle, when he attempts to sprint. So he slides in to tackles to make up for his lack of pace.....and the consequence is what happened in the 90th minute. His protestation to the Ref was beyond lame. But it was defintely De Silva's pathetic defending that created the situation?
  15. Talking of | 'Out of your depth".....try to keep up? Nige and Mcgregorface will be around for a long time yet, don't believe the hype...they get on just fine.
  16. Come on you Reds!......Cheer up Uncle Nige by stuffing those East End upstarts on Wednesday night! ?
  17. Me too.......I never (Thank God) ever returned to that decrepit wasteland named Trumpton...........so my sour memories of that surreal day will remain forever buried...............(Cue Doom Laden Orchestral Music!) Ha!
  18. I particularly like Kitchen Cupboard and Waste Disposal Unit? ?
  19. Well what a surprise? i was Tempted in, to read a piece by Hollowhead on today's Bristol Post website with regard to the new initiative to re introduce standing at soccer grounds, I should have known better? Given the opportunity to make some serious points and insight into the issue....Hollowhead, given so many choices as examples, decides to regurgitate May 1990 at a Bath building site.? Quite probably my worst ever experience at an away match, and i have been to a lot, standing on a ramshackle terrace on crutches, due to a broken leg suffered playing football a few weeks before, it started badly, and then got worse. It was just the most horrendous capitulation to a pumped up Gas side, who just blew us away with route one football that we just couldn't cope with. i spent a depressing 90 minutes teetering on my wooden props, trying to stay upright, hating every minute, and wishing i'd stayed home. I have just rewatched the video through gritted teeth, made even worse by Malone's wittering monstrosity of a commentary, and it is still the horrible mess I have tried to forget. . So thanks a lot Hollowhead for stirring up a memory i have tried to suppress, you just couldn't help yourself could you FFS? Apparently you got a great Buzz from the game?, well you know where you can stick that Buzz don't you? Anyway time is a great healer, and as we gradually move onwards and upwards under Uncle Nige, I take great solace in seeing our sad neighbours slow decline towards Non-league football as some kind of reward for my worst ever 90 minutes at an away game. Any other away game horror stories out there? ?
  20. I don't get it? It stated in the article that if both clubs agree to the match being played in Jersey....then it could go ahead? Have Sutton refused to play in Jersey?
  21. Anybody know when the match podcasts become available? Namely OSIB - 3 Peaps & Forever City? I thankyou!
  22. I'm genuinely shocked....who'd have thought it.....I wonder if he could do it again?
  23. Hey Barney..............you will have to go to some more away games? You and your kids are obviously our lucky mascots! Ha! ?
  24. You most definitely win............stupidest misguided comment of the day.....Congrats!!
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