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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Fair enough...........but he's had a week to get in a specialist centre back on loan, the little fella needs to be pro-active and less re-active [just basically wake the F✵✵k up].......else it'll be back to The Shire for him
  2. Guess he can't have those model good looks.....................AND have intelligence too? ?
  3. At least this display might encorage Johnson to get in loan striker and play Korey in midfield?
  4. Personally i would prefer quality over quantity.......but that's just me
  5. Thank God we have an in depth squad.........................how sad are we? As ever i feel for the away fans, who have wasted their time/money to view this tripe!
  6. 1 point off the play offs in possibly the most competitive league in Europe and young LJ Is losing the plot.................I would guess you are a glass half empty kinda bloke.
  7. They should rename this forum Knee jerk incrporated, trawling through and reading some of the comments posted of abuse and despair is hilarious.....LJ Out, tactically inept, doesn't know wtf he's doing...............and then elation and play offs here we come. The championship is the most unpredictable league, probably in Europe, Barnsley are fighting for their lives, so they are not gonna just roll over. LJ has plenty of faults, but he is one of the youngest managers in the top 2 divisions, has taken a team that seemed certain to be relegated last season to 1 point from the play offs. I personally think he's doing a great job. No I am NOT a happy clapper, and I am prone to moments of over reaction and stupid comments..........but maybe a few people should read back through some of the absurdly embarassing posts made during this game. Sorry I will get off of my soapbox and look forward to beating Brentford on Monday, that's the beauty of the championship, no 2 games/performances are ever the same.
  8. I must have missed it.................Is Flint injured, and is it long term
  9. Wow.................a three month cross, that has to be some sort of record
  10. Sort it out LJ.............Your a fine young cannibal, but you need to knock some heads together, we have ability and teamwork, but 3-0 and 2-0.....and 2 points.....NOT Good enough, get yer frigging act together........or sort out your tactics
  11. I',M a big fan of LJ.......................But what a huge pragmatic pile of bollocks, we should have walked away with the 3 points, we DO NOT Have the cojones required to win games of this nature, come on u wet farts, and show some character.........feckin Leeds, **** off
  12. Thats 5 defeats on the trot...........................so hopefully we will turn it around very soon...........Norwich are very solid defensively, so I thought this was either 0-0 , 1-0, or 0-1 So not altogether surprised, just a blip in our march to the premiership, move on and keep the faith
  13. WTF.....WTF....WTF....HAS HAPPENED TO MY ******* TEAM...............SORT YOURSELVES OUT
  14. What position are u playing? Cant see u?................We will smash them? Enjoy your moments of triumph, as u will not win anything this season
  15. Tommy should be pushed into the Ocelot Pit............and munched down like an old twix?
  16. I have been to the Phillipines twice.........1984 and 2004 ......I liked it a lot. I am fascinated to know how you make a living over there? Please forgive me for prying, and I understand its none of my business, Hope u dont mind me asking? Come on u reds..last time I went to Molineux, Joe Royle was leading the attack!!
  17. I think 054123 has a point...........it's a little glib to call it rubbish? We have yet again dominated a game and taken the lead, but are unable to manage the game and take at least a point against a side who will do well to finish in the top 15. We have a distinct lack of game changers now Tammy has departed, 2,000 fans have taken the time and trouble to support us, but we do not have the the wherewithal to produce a good enough performance to come away with a result against a very, very average side. Bobby Reid flatters to deceive, and is not the answer to our long term scoring problems. very disappointing...........but then again whats new? Still it's early days, but we still need a reliable goal poacher if we are to finish anywhere near the play offs. We are most definitely a work in progress, who will not get relegated, but are miles away from the top six. Mid table anonymity is our present destiny.
  18. just a stroll in the park for brighton……..feel sorry for Tammy, absolutely no service, this game makes the matt emulsion currently dehydrating on my wall look fascinating
  19. By far the worst aspect of todays game is our predictability and lack of ideas……….we have made it so easy for Brighton. Total and utter anticlimax
  20. Because he wanted to go…….and we were unable to match the wages he was being offered elsewhere
  21. Exactly All Brighton have to do is sit and wait for us to make another misplaced pass or an error, and away they go………it's like shooting fish in a barrel? If this is a marker for where we are at present? we are a long way from a top six side?
  22. Yeah………sell him! Theres no room for artistry and flair in football?
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