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Everything posted by richwwtk

  1. "Tote, they came via their self organised police escort"
  2. I was replaying to you saying that Bristol football is in the doldrums, I was just pointing out that, historically, we are a long way from being in the doldrums, and the fact that the fewers are is irrelevant to us (and Bristol football in general IMO). It is rubbish to claim that them doing well makes us do better, there is no correlation whatsoever when comparing charts of our league history and theirs. I'm not frightened of anything, this is football, nothing to be scared of. I just don't want the fewers hanging around like a bad smell.
  3. No it isn't. We are in a period that would rank in the best 10-20% of our history, the fewers are in a period that would rank with the bottom 10-20% of theirs. Things have never been better in that respect
  4. Does it cost that much to take down a few tents?
  5. Strangely, the quoted article was written by Adam Baker - he ought to know what happened as well as anybody outside the Johnson family.
  6. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=chS8Ds8tJosC&pg=PA285&lpg=PA285&dq=bristol+rovers+notorius+liars+danny+baker&source=bl&ots=ep922RiYEB&sig=-Ir-XPWDD0WLQxsvd9TyIWwdEA4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXg-S2usndAhWkLMAKHc1VCwQQ6AEwAnoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=bristol rovers notorius liars danny baker&f=false
  7. What are the criteria for having an U21 side in the FL Trophy? A City U21 side playing the full gas team in a competitive game would be hilarious.
  8. There are still people on Gaschat claiming that anyone criticising DC is a "gurt ted" Tow the party line or you will be ostracised!
  9. You're forgetting that it would be the council (taxpayers) of Bristol that would be building it, any extra cost associated with making football possible there would be a bill generously footed by the council as a Thank You to the fewers for being so wonderfully great and raising the positive image of Bristol which us gert teds do so much to try and destroy. they have a unique kit and they're ever so lovely, they deserve it. they will be allowed to keep the money from the mem to spend on players too.
  10. Just seen one say on Gaschat that taking their time and investigating things without giving details was exactly the right way to do it and ended by asking if it maybe meant they have a World Cup Stadium on the way!
  11. Just listened to the first 5 minutes or so of the interview. The rovers owner was squirming like a well hooked fish. Wouldn't commit to any details or timelines, just promised that everything would happen eventually with no details of anything whatsoever. More or less confirmed that their new training ground won't be ready for next season by saying that 'if' it isn't done by April (when the lease runs out on their current place), they will put a temporary solution in place. It's apparently just a field full of weeds right now, in Tentyman's words.
  12. But the way he wrote it he was describing a 300% increase " all drinks prices had gone up £1.50 to £2. " - missing the word 'from'
  13. That was my reaction when I first saw Santas Grotto - With the fewers, nothing is too tinpot it turns out!
  14. I'm disappointed, earlier posts had led us to believe that City gave Rovers a right good stuffing, I wanted to be able to go out bragging about how we are much harder than they are, but it would appear that all that happened was some people threw some stuff and nobody beat anybody.
  15. I do hope this is true, I can feel myself glowing with pride already. The honour of my Football Club has been upheld, a proud day that will go down in history.
  16. Never heard of the last two. There might be a Lines from memory? edit - I guess Nichols is the striker they paid about 0.75 Tilsons for that never scored or something?
  17. Was it Daley Thompson who quoted it in a live TV interview as well once?
  18. To be fair, City have been pretty good at that too over the years....
  19. Only if you ignore when the third tier was split into Division 3 South and North, when we regularly averaged over 20,000. The sixties and seventies, a time of bigger crowds generally we were above that level so wouldn't have got anything then, and by the eighties when we dropped back down crowds were lower for everyone.
  20. I still have a red glass globe thing from when the the old Citylist sponsored a game a few years back as well
  21. I believe Bodin would come in at around 0.8 Tilsons
  22. I'd agree with most of what you say SJ, but I actually quite like Loftus Road. There are a lot of restricted views seats agreed, but I like the way everything is packed in so tight and is a ground with character, capable of creating a really hostile atmosphere.
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