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Everything posted by richwwtk

  1. Never heard of the last two. There might be a Lines from memory? edit - I guess Nichols is the striker they paid about 0.75 Tilsons for that never scored or something?
  2. Was it Daley Thompson who quoted it in a live TV interview as well once?
  3. To be fair, City have been pretty good at that too over the years....
  4. Only if you ignore when the third tier was split into Division 3 South and North, when we regularly averaged over 20,000. The sixties and seventies, a time of bigger crowds generally we were above that level so wouldn't have got anything then, and by the eighties when we dropped back down crowds were lower for everyone.
  5. I still have a red glass globe thing from when the the old Citylist sponsored a game a few years back as well
  6. I believe Bodin would come in at around 0.8 Tilsons
  7. I'd agree with most of what you say SJ, but I actually quite like Loftus Road. There are a lot of restricted views seats agreed, but I like the way everything is packed in so tight and is a ground with character, capable of creating a really hostile atmosphere.
  8. Unless this is a pisstake, I presume you've never been to Gillingham away? Fully prepared for a whoosh though
  9. Do we know any other of their players?
  10. I think you're missing a zero somewhere.....
  11. That thread is hilarious from start to finish, with somebody misreading a million for a grand down to our old chum Weezord mis-spelling delete and getting corrected.
  12. I was thinking the other day, would it be fair to make a rough comparison to Liverpool and Everton but transpose it down a couple of divisions? If I recall correctly Everton had a brief period of almost dominance in the eighties after trailing considerably during the seventies and are now on the brink of disaster.....
  13. I know a Rotherham fan who is reet pissed off with them for moving this one. She had a ticket for tonight and can't make the rematch.
  14. I think it's the spellchecker on here, changes U - T - G to FTG
  15. The thread they had of a similar length to this one when they thought we were getting relegated one season. It disappeared when we stayed up
  16. I believe they were Bristol Academy after dropping the rovers name and before joining Bristol Sport weren't they?
  17. "basking in the glory of telling people he is the owner of Bristol Rovers" ? What possible glory is there to bask in from being associated with that bag of crap? I would wager that he doesn't mention it out of embarrassment, that and the fact that Boston University would have just pulled a puzzled face and asked "Who?"
  18. I wonder now how the gas manager feels about turning down the Leeds job when he did?
  19. There is nothing wrong with singing about local sides that see themselves as rivals, nothing wrong with talking about them. As SJ said, the problem comes when you judge your own clubs success on how you have performed in comparison to them. We no longer do this, nobody saw last season as a success because we finished higher than the fewers. we are now looking upwards and focussing on that, they are watching our rear ends disappear into the distance and desperately trying to keep up.
  20. The appeal over the pitch was dismissed. Not sure anyone is taking the slow over rate appeal too seriously as this had already been dealt with previously.
  21. And people wonder why football thinks there is a homophobia problem amongst fans........
  22. I really wanted to put up a defence for TED Talks as well, but couldn't put it as eloquently as you. Thank You.
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