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Everything posted by Maltshoveller

  1. Could somebody please tell me the date when the Gas were last above us Cheers
  2. A gashead mate of mine said that he once over heard Mick Jagger say that Jumping Jack Flash is a gas gas gas
  3. I think the Gas chairman should be given alot of credit Most fans think their chairman dont listen to them You can not say that about Weal He was going to build a new 20k stadium for the gas He then read how much Gasheads hate soulless bowls and scrapped the idea
  4. Yeah they also said that about Taylor and Bodin when they left
  5. Cant even get that right Got the squares wrong way around
  6. Time to give the Gas some credit When Wael took over gasheads told us how big they were going to be!! Well just goes to show how right they were This weekend the mighty gas had a bigger crowd than Barcelona !!!! They are coming for us
  7. If LJ stuck to the same formation you would be saying he has no plan B
  8. The Championship is a very hard league May be next season we can give our club(CITY) 100% and stop giving a monkeys what the gas do
  9. Forget Results!!!!!!!! Results are the ONLY thing that matters
  10. Have to say it Loads (not all) on here dont deserve Championship football Only sing when we are winning Now is the time to support the team
  11. In all fairness 40k for a one off match doesnt mean that much If you got that every week then you could call it incredible
  12. End of the day I dont give a monkeys who our new manager is As long a he does a good job
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