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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Southgate said he thought England played well. He doesn’t seem to be someone who just says things to deflect so I can only conclude that he believes that. It’s a worry if that’s the case
  2. Honor wasn’t towing the party line. He said he didn’t know if Manning has it in him to succeed and he said the board should stop insulting fans by selling us the dream that is never going to be realised. I think it’s harsh to say because he is on Robins TV that he doesn’t make points that warrant being taken seriously
  3. Thanks. I felt it was similar as Manning hasn’t really dropped any academy player that was playing a lot under Pearson.
  4. All fair points and agree with them.
  5. What do you think it would have been? Any idea what it was when he left ?
  6. Completely agree. Who has actually came through the academy and either played a lot of games or been sold for good money? O’Leary Kelly Bryan Reid Vyner Cant think of anyone else. Is 5 a good return over the period of Tinnion’s involvement? Hard to say
  7. Not many as dropping Vyner or Dickie would be bizarre
  8. The academy is credited with Alex Scott in that piece which we all know isn’t valid. Good to hear the work going into Knight-Lebel.
  9. They say they are angry it happened when in fact they are glad as it’s a chance for them to be fake angry again Whataboutery again. The flag hasn’t been changed to the Welsh flag so this comparison is stupid
  10. Farage and Barton haven’t told people to be offended about other defaced flags yet so people are maybe waiting for that first
  11. Perfect example of the hypocrisy
  12. That is literally a defaced flag
  13. Haha the videos have now been set to private!
  14. Those prices are at least a 30% reduction in real terms since 2007.
  15. I’m delighted to share two webinars from up and coming young football coach, Lee Johnson In the first one Lee will take you through recruitment, club structure and the interview process In this second edition, you will be educated on building a game model, methodology and developing young players. Please note that this is may be too highbrow for some and if you cannot follow it or it makes no sense at all, that is on you and not Lee.
  16. People acting as if Nike just released this kit without any say from anyone else!
  17. Hardly an insurmountable issue. If you need help @David Brent just DM me
  18. You can watch every game from the comfort of your own home for £25 per month. That’s incredible value. Beats a free shirt any day.
  19. People pretending to be outraged is hilarious.
  20. Snowflakes upset again I see
  21. When he signed for us he would have known there was a chance this would happen. Let’s not pretend a lot of it will be money based
  22. Maybe but the transfer won’t be reversed. Clubs loan players back all the time. A cancelled transfer….has that ever happened ?
  23. Bet on Portsmouth so that’s looking good! Other than that, I’d like two smaller clubs to come up and struggle so we don’t go down!
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