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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Pearson took Simpson on trial, watched him over a period of time and deemed him a solution at right back. He got it badly wrong it seems.
  2. His assessment should be spot on. He’s a highly paid manager. I can assess the game. Fans love plain talking managers. For me, performances are much more important. Couldn’t give a damn what managers say really
  3. Ban the stupid parents and move on.
  4. If he could fix it whilst also being plain speaking that would be great
  5. No way. Bentley had a fair few saves to make. Etheridge barely had any. With defending like we defended in the first half we got what we deserved, nothing.
  6. Bentley 6 Bell 2 Kalas 5 Klose 5 Dasilva 6 James 2 Williams 2 Scott 4 weimann 5 Martin 4 Semenyo 4
  7. Probably the most embarrassing half of Pearsons reign. A few more performances like this, conceding goals with non league defending, and his job will be under pressure
  8. Shane Warne - the best bowler of all time in my eyes. Shocking news
  9. I don’t recall anything about Lansdown being there
  10. It’s great isn’t it Sports Weirdest Crime Podcast. Series 1 about Allan Stanford is brilliant as well
  11. Sounds like you’ve had enough. What utter tosh. I have children in the younger generations and i coach kids in two separate sports and don’t recognise this at all. That’s over 35 kids. What I see is a wonderful generation with plenty of respect and kindness to one another. When I look to the older people in my life I see a lot of snowflake behaviour, bitterness and a very insular attitude. The over 50s are the generation that bought us Brexit and a decade of Tory rule. Rather than fear for this country I have hope. This country is in an awful place right now and if you think that’s young peoples fault then you are crazy.
  12. It’s staggering what will upset people
  13. Thanks for letting me know when it is! Always forget
  14. I think they are (and should) focus on other areas rather than just the average. We need to identify players with the technique and temperament for test cricket and sometimes that isn’t the highest average scorers from county cricket
  15. Because their numbers on the back were opposite to the team sheet
  16. Goal for Cardiff. Down the city right, cross from deep, Soady loses man. Good finish
  17. Stream now down. City look okay. Going long a fair bit but it’s working quite well. Early ball into Wells is effective.
  18. Wells link play is looking good today. Lays off to Conway who blazes over from the edge of the box. Decent chance
  19. Goal!! Tommy Conway. Mistake by keeper after a long ball over the top and Conway left with empty net
  20. Awful mistake by Idehen to give away a penalty. Saved by Wiles-Richards
  21. Not sure what singling out two innings from Lees proves. Every batsman who’s ever lived as had a match like that. Bracey will get another chance for sure but on his debut he looked like a bag of nerves which wouldn’t have helped.
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