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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Not everyone watches every game or is across it all as much as a lot of people on this forum. I think it’s a great piece that many people will appreciate.
  2. 3 of them seem nailed on so as long as Sheff uniteds good run keeps going then it should keep growing. It was worth £95 last week. I won’t let it go to play offs if they get there as I’m too cautious. Hopefully cash out at £250-300. Could do with the cash!
  3. Sheff united with a 30% chance of promotion is good news for me on this bet, where the cash out is growing by the week!
  4. Cheers. Is there a way of finding out or is it just figuring it out ?
  5. Some good points made. Trying to work out your former username.
  6. Not been to many recently at all. Mrs lost her job and my work revenue is down still due to covid. Money really tight. Pre covid I was at most games but with a lack of money now and massively increased anxiety about it I’m really struggling to even leave the house to be honest
  7. City’s coked up following keeps going then.
  8. The very fact you ask that question shows a certain naivety. Unless you know the individual it’s impossible to say how you’d motivate them
  9. Yeah I appreciate that but you can’t sack someone and not pay up their contract for a perceived lack of effort
  10. You have read things and been told things that form your viewpoint and I have read and been told things that form my viewpoint, including talks from the FA and managers about motivating players. I’ve shown you an article of Pep saying he left because he couldn’t motivate his players. That might not be the only reason but he’s given it as a reason. I think you only see and hear what confirms your beliefs which is fine.
  11. You said you would sack them. If you sack them you pay up their contracts
  12. Sack players and pay up their contracts ? Madness
  13. And that may have worked for your line of work. Maybe we should bow to the knowledge of football managers though eh when they say players need motivating. Sure they know more than me and you
  14. Because I’ve read articles about it and listened to interviews. Allardyce does a course on motivating players and teams. Guardiola talks about the need to motivate players. The FA cover player motivation in their coaching courses. I could go on but I can’t be bothered. Pretty sure they wouldn’t bother if under 50% of players needed motivating!
  15. Deary me. You said most players don’t need motivating. That’s just plain wrong. Pep left Barcelona as he couldn’t motivate his players anymore. Clearly if Barca players need motivating then most will
  16. You are talking about the top 1% of players. Ronaldo and Messi don’t need motivating sure. Not sure if youve noticed but our level of player is below that. Many ex pros talk about managers being good motivators. You should listen to them to understand.
  17. Because I watch players giving poor displays and then improving two days after a new manager comes in. A lot of that will be motivation to impress the new manager and they weren’t motivated to impress the old. I’ve heard lots of ex pros talking about man management and motivation. Players talking about running through a brick wall for a manager. Genuinely thought this was common knowledge
  18. Gay will be full on sack nige mode and fully erect as he says it
  19. Little point in writing in such definite terms when you can’t possibly know
  20. https://www.bristolworld.com/sport/football/bristol-city/nigel-pearson-seething-with-bristol-city-players-as-he-issues-warning-players-could-be-playing-for-futures-3566456
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