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Midlands Robin

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Everything posted by Midlands Robin

  1. Who knows what's true anymore? For all we know the Gnome could have just been taken for a wash down and a new carpet.
  2. If I were them I would be most worried about the lack of movement on the training ground. (No pun intended ) The basic facilities could have been in place and ready to go in a few months. As a starter, all they'd need is a grass pitch, maybe an astro pitch, somewhere to park and somewhere to get showered and changed. That could have all been done with temporary porta-cabins in fairly short order and without too many planning headaches. They could then take a bit longer to expand and develop a more permanent facility. If they can't get a fairly straightforward build off the ground it doesn't bode well for their longer term plans.
  3. You can't beat the huge boost your attendance would gain by including several more fans. How many in a several? 1000, 2000?
  4. The rent boys even rent their own Ass Chat domain name. True to form I guess.
  5. I disagree. Last season we were consistently struggling, the season before that we were class and promoted, the season before that we were awful under O'Dismal and picked up under Cotts. I am struggling to think of a time when we were so poles apart over such a short space of time.
  6. How the **** can we be such a binary team? We either look class or absolute shite, sometimes even in the same game. Its bizarre and nothing I've ever experienced in 25 years of watching City.
  7. If anyone other than London Irish win the pray offs it will be a staggering shock. Leeds (Yorkshire) are the only team who could take the fight to Irish.
  8. A welcome indeed. We had a family holiday there a few years ago. Very nice place.
  9. With Beyonce's "if you like it then you better put a ring on it" playing in the background?
  10. I've heard he's just announced the team he thinks will win this afternoon..... Wigan
  11. Dub be good to me - Beats International
  12. Let's not dwell on recent negatives. John Pemberton was part of a coaching set up that brought for a large number of us, a first league championship in our lifetimes (42 years for me). He steadied the club last season and has contributed over 3 years hard work to the club we all love. For that alone we should, and I believe are, very thankful. Good luck John in whatever your future holds.
  13. I'm now frantically searching for a bottle of mind bleach.
  14. Welcome to the machine - Pink Floyd
  15. Abracadabra - The Steve Miller Band
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