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Midlands Robin

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Everything posted by Midlands Robin

  1. My City v Villa ticket has just dropped through the letter box. Got to be a good sign for today. Edit: I've no idea why. Every little helps I guess.
  2. In the name of our Lord Adge Cutler do we need the win today. I really hope it clicks, we play as a unit and leave the pitch at around ten to five tonight three goals up and with a weight removed from the club. It needs to be a good win to show we've really started to turn the corner. Of course I'd take a one - nil win with a goal in the 94th minute after the ball bounced of Flint's backside and into the net but that wouldn't lift the cloud of doubt we have about Lee's ability to take us forward. In the words of NASA flight director Gene Kranz, "Failure is not an option"
  3. 24 hours from Tulsa - Gene Pitney
  4. And your bird can sing - The Beatles
  5. it's vital we win on Saturday to close that 5 point gap to the teams in 19th and 18th. We don't want to get cut adrift. Come on City, you can build on this.
  6. My bum was squeeking that hard at the end I think I need to go and break out the Germaloids.
  7. From the comedy and optimism of this afternoon to the cold hard reality of this evening. God I hate this bloody game (again !!)
  8. How has Taylor showing off his new shirt gone down in the ground? A positive reception I would expect? Wish I was there to hear it.
  9. Having just been reading some of the stuff on their forum, oh dear sweet Jesus and all his little pixies, what an over reaction. According to one of themthe, they've survived having their grounds burned down twice, suffered more from the I rivalry, had they team chased off the pitch in one of the most shocking incidents in football and this is about SL finishing what his "thugs" couldn't. Apparently it will make the day all the sweeter when they finally overtake us. Erm..... over reaction?
  10. I don't think it works like that. I asked a similar question about player contracts and the only way they can find a new club outside of a transfer window is if they were out of contract during the window. If the are still under contract when the window shuts they will have to wait until summer.
  11. It sounds for all the world as if we are playing to not get beaten instead of playing to win. Playing in front of three solid centre backs and a class holding midfielder should give the front line confidence to open up but it seems we aren't capable of doing it. Lets hope for better second half. COYR
  12. Here is my poorly researched, badly spelt and utterly useless away day fans guide to Nottingham: Getting there: By car: Put a copy of the Wurzels 'rock around the A38' on your 8 Track in the car, leave Bristol, head north on the A38, keep going. Seriously, you just follow the A38 (North). By train: Leave Bristol and head north by car. Drive to Loughborough and buy a ticket for the Great Central Railway (Nottingham) and enjoy a delightful 10 mile historical steam rail journery through the countryside. At the other end board a Taxi for your onward journey to the groud. Be advised that trains are currently not running and are not due to start heritage services again until half term. Pre-match pint: For those of you who wish to have a pre-match drink, I can recommend the Pilchard Inn on Burgh Island a few miles outside Plymouth. It can be accessed at low tide via a sand causeway and then at high tide by a passenger carrying tractor - http://www.burghisland.com/dine-here/non-resident-dining/ The Ground: Please read as this is important: Arrive at the ground and take your seat then ask yourself the following questions: 1) Should there be more fans here at this time of day? 2) Are the seats mostly black with a spash of yellow here and there? If the answer to both these questions is YES then you have accidently arrived at Notts County's ground and you are on the wrong side of the river. Head across the river and sit down in the right stadium. However, Please now ask yourself the following questions: 1) Should there be more fans here at this time of day? 2) Is the pitch strangely far away, round and with a small tent in the middle? If the answer to these questions is YES you have accidently arrived at Trent Bridge Cricket Ground and the Forrest ground is next door. Head there to enoy the game. Once you have arrived at the ground the seats should be mostly red. Remember, Nottingham Forrest play in red therefore as for Fleetwood, make sure you are following the correct team and don't sing 'come on you reds' Chants: This chant should sting for Forrest fans: All together now - "In a survey several years ago Nottingham was said to have more females than males so why are you all here watching this when you should be surrounded by lovely ladies at home enjoying yourselves?" Gifts for a loved one: In order to say thankyou to your partners, other halves, wives, husbands etc for allowing you to go on your football away day, it's always wise to bring a gift back to help make up for not being around. I would suggest buying some meat from the Ting farm on the outskirts of the city. The Ting farm gave the region it's name when, 1000 years ago, a Royal Carriage was heading north carrying some king or other for a dust up with the Scots. Looking for food on the journey a Royal Aid was tasked with buying some meat. He stopped and asked a local about the quality of pork from some pigs he could see in a nearby field when the local replied "It's ok but it's not Ting Ham". With that, the Royal aid sought out the Ting farm, purchased his Ham and the King was so happy, the area got the name Nottingham. I suggest you serve it with mustard or pickle. For those going, please enjoy your day, stay safe and COYR's.
  13. Some mistake surely? The BEP must have got it wrong again and meant Eastlands. There's no way a club with as much money ready to invest as the sags have would buy players from Eastleigh? Unless those 6 new sprinklers, new fence and canopy have bit into their transfer budget?
  14. Let's face it, unless they have the best scouting network this side of Nagasaki then they have to be looking at spending well over 1 million to buy the number and quality of players in a January transfer window capable of lifting their club into the top end of the playoffs. I can't see that happening.
  15. At one stage on final score Jason Roberts stated that Rovers had real quality.
  16. Oooh look. 1 goal for every new sprinkler head. Must be a sign of good things to come.
  17. Let's be honest, most of us said where we are now is where we would finish at the end of the season. No need to panic. It's clear we need a few more options going forward and that will come hopefully in January. I do still wonder had we had a better crack against Hull in the cup and gone through, the lift from that may have boosted our league form. Keep calm and carry on.
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