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Everything posted by Lew-T

  1. Like you I just want to say that I’ve seen one of the Beatles live! Excited.
  2. As finals go, it’s been pretty shite.
  3. This Madrid team possibly the worst ever to win it, at this stage. Stoke City in disguise.
  4. I’ve heard the word journeyman? What at 30??
  5. When I first heard this, I thought straight away this was going to be Baker’s replacement.
  6. Also I’m over the moon it’s got Luton fans in tears…. Tada??
  7. Bloody hell, I didn’t expect it to be that quick!
  8. Firstly, I’m not usually the one to shout transfer rumours across this board. So I will just pass this on from what I’ve heard earlier today… Apparently we are having talks with this lad. Swansea are another club that’s very interested by all accounts. I’m not sure what his contract status is with Luton, I haven’t really looked into it… Just passing on.
  9. I’m so excited for Macca.
  10. I’ll be there. Managed to get a ticket in the resale for the 3rd year running? Unbelievable really. I’m in good old Benidorm next week, followed by Barcelona the weekend after for a Stag do…. Then this! Hectic
  11. Like any trade really. If you’re self employed, decent and reliable, you can do very well for yourself.
  12. Really? You’re better off laying bricks.
  13. Man City fans breaking their own goal net at the empty had. Odd.
  14. Yep, I’m watching the ManC v Villa game and Villa have been brilliant to be fair to them.
  15. I can’t stand Hinchcliffe, he tends to criticise a lot without having a clue. I’m amazed he played the game with what he says! There is another EFL main commentator that his name escapes me. Often sits with Hinchcliffe actually, and he spouts absolute crap just to fill in the gaps of the game.
  16. I hope they crash and burn next year.
  17. It’s difficult to thank him for his services, because in the main he’s been shite and uninspiring. He has been here 6 years, SIX! And I can only recall 2 moments of quality. I think just a goodbye would suffice…
  18. Isn’t Soady a bit older? Or have I imagined that.
  19. He’s got pace, he will add width, good age… Something we’ve been lacking really for a little while. I don’t mind this seeing it’s a free transfer. The only thing I’ve got doubts about is the lads attitude. I can only go on by what a few Oxford fans have said previously.
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