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Merrick's Marvels

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Everything posted by Merrick's Marvels

  1. Really? Bloody hell. Because they were doing so much better under the last bloke, presumably, and are currently under performing reeeeeally badly. Football fans. Bloody hell.
  2. What about people our club have officially asked to scout for us?
  3. That's abso-f00kin-lutely brilliant. "Ehhhhm Carl Saunders? No la, we've never heard of 'im. Or them." Superb
  4. And new players. Not sure many of the current squad are suited to a coach who preaches precise, technical, tactical football. I expect our squad to look quite different in 18 months time.
  5. Indeed. And "understanding the game" is essential if you appoint a technical, tactical, modern style coach
  6. Modern football is a sort of pantomime now, at elite level. Absolute belters, a lot of them.
  7. £4M is daft money. There has to be better value than that available. We're not going up or down this season so it might be prudent to wait until the summer rather than rush into a deal this month.
  8. If someone needs to be put on the naughty step for allowing Bowen to score, I'm asking Knight, Dickie and Pring to explain themselves before I get to O'Leary. Knight gives the best player on the pitch time and space, Dickie and Pring are ball watching. So that's a 3 seater naughty step already. Personally, I don't think a 4th is required for our keeper. And given how well he played thereafter, I think O'Leary is more likely a Man of the Match contender than this week's whipping boy.
  9. Imagine how good Manning will be once he's found the time to visit a few 5star Michelin restaurants! When's his birthday, perhaps we can club together and buy him a grass-measuring stick?
  10. Amazing how you think that. Would have thought it blindingly obvious Conway and Bell are chalk and cheese, personality-wise.
  11. You've no chance of keeping them. The riches on offer in the Prem nowadays will always sway a youngster to leave. Unlike the 70s, when Alan Dicks could make a persuasive case to the players concerned that jumping straight to Arsenal at the first hint of an offer wasn't the way to go - not least because there wasn't such a massive disparity in wages back then (we were big payers). Unlike today, where the disparity us massive. So our strategy is flawed unless you simply say to the players "you ain't going nowhere and we're going to the top flight together". Which is what Dicks said to Merrick and Ritchie. Source? Tom Ritchie
  12. No. Not unless, at some point, we don't flog them. Scott had to be - all part of the masterplan that requires a Poster Boy for all other academy signings, someone you can point to and say - sign for us because... behold... look what happens to young lads when they join Bristol City. But at some point... we have to get to the Premier League, not just them. And that involves at some point in the future, retaining the new Geoff Merrick and Tim Ritchie and telling Arsenal, like Sir Alan did, to do one.
  13. 50p he plays more games for us than any of the youngsters picked "just to sit on the bench to cover our embarrassment" in the last 12 months or so. Not another Scott obvs. But brings similar attributes we desperately lack and which are desperately required if this Manningball thing is to succeed. Our midfield at the moment is the diametric opposite of what a coach like Manning requires. This lad addresses that deficit i would say. In time. How much time? Well, betcha he'll play before season's end, seeing as we're going nowhere - another 50p on it. We're the last of the big spenders!
  14. I go to the pub to have fun. It's one of my principles. Rather have a pint with bloody Lee Johnson.
  15. Many happy returns to the one and only Sir Tom. Legend.
  16. 1. Yes, yes I know you're not! Just a wee joke. 2. Thank you for your custom, it was much appreciated. 3. What a team that was! PS. He is dull, though isn't he? And if the powers that be think there are 20,000 Bristolians interested in watching dull possession football, they've made a terrible mistake (another one!). To my eyes, the current squad aren't playing as if things have been simplified for them either. Quite the reverse at times. I fear the Coach is going to need plenty of time and a complete refurb of midfield and attack to make any sort of progress. We have some good defenders and I can see how we've improved when we don't have the ball, especially the pressing bit (which was OK to start with anyway). But when we have the ball, there are games when we are hopeless. Sometimes we're OK but unbelievably wasteful (even when we win - see the Watford game). So overall, I see no significant improvement in our attacking game. I believe he needs time and new players (a lot) for that.
  17. Thanks, Liam! PS. You, and your football, are dull as. Any chance of some fun? Happy New Year.
  18. "Top 6". "One of the best". Won't be needing new players in January then, will we
  19. Not difficult to predict: "There are some great lads coming through." "There are some great lads coming through." "There are some great lads coming through." (I'm doing a great job.)
  20. He's better than Gallagher for starters. And will only get better.
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