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Everything posted by Slacker

  1. Did I imagine this or did we play a Blackthorn Cup against Rangers?My memory is pretty shocking.
  2. Absolute farce.Showcase game being made to look completely amateur.Great save.Game on!
  3. ITV have Wrighty though.Come on The Lionesses.Bring it home.
  4. Even though it has been explained to you,you still can't show little bit of respect or class and perhaps show a bit of support or understanding to a man and his family in a grave situation. Still have to have one last dig.Sad and pathetic.
  5. Well done to all involved.Best regards to the poor guy and his family.
  6. Strangely enough it feels exactly the opposite to me.Makes me feel even older thinking about his early appearances.
  7. To be honest I had completely forgotten about him.Sort of fell of the radar even when he was still at Arsenal.
  8. I think James has been very respectful in his request for people to join in while at the same time acknowledging it is optional. Best of luck to you for tomorrow mate and don't forget that many people appreciate what you and your pals do.
  9. It's going to be the big reveal for our new away kit isn't it.
  10. Although you are right.He wasn't as funny yesterday as he was on his first day of visiting.Come on Hot Air.Time to up your game a bit.
  11. Sorry Rudolf,I am afraid that I have to disagree with you. I think we should keep him.Perhaps in the interests of democracy, we could have a virtual "show of hands"?I suspect you will be the clear winner if we do though.
  12. Unfortunately for them it's a reporter's job to report the truth. Not the reporter's fault that the truth is they are *****.
  13. I might start buying it again now then.
  14. I shall very much look forward to it.
  15. Is Hot Air coming back?I hope so.He is my favourite one yet.
  16. Glossop North End in the quarters!
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