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Posts posted by robc

  1. On 04/06/2024 at 09:54, 22A said:

    OK, I've rechecked and good news; one less defeat for City, it's just 150, not 151 in Div 1. Well spotted 👍

    I then checked the goals F & A from the complete league tables for all 9 seasons and it appears my figures for the 1907 season were wrong.

    Revised all time total for City now stands at P4844, W1862, D1256 L1726, F6875 A6590. Adding in goals in Play Offs, League Cup and FA Cup, total goals For 7612 against 7262

    I wrongly quoted our win total as 1852 (a typo) when I began this thread so glad it was corrected, but I am fairly certain that the goals for and against totals are 6876 and 6591 respectively. It matters little in the great scheme of things, of course.

  2. 10 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

    This is actually not too awful is it! Getting either a win or a draw at home more often than losing and getting at least a draw away from home.*

    Personally, I don't buy the "bogey team" stuff, team personnel and coaching staff change so much - both for us and our opponents that the result of a game between us and Pompey the last time we played has just no real impact on next season's fixtures. But it's an interesting footnote, and can inspire conversation, so it absolutely has merit.

    One question that you might know the answer to - I believe we've never played a league fixture against AFC Wimbledon** (assuming we do not attribute Wimbledon's history to them - up for debate I know) but, is there a second team in the 92 that we have never played in the league? Maybe Salford?

    *I assume that you have gone back to when teams got just 2 for a win and compensated us the extra 1 in order to normalise the stats?

    **Believe we have played them in the EFL Trophy, and in a pre-season friendly.

    You are correct - we have never played AFC Wimbledon in the league (I saw us win a friendly there a few years back and we also met them in the Johnstone's Paint Trophy).  We played the original Wimbledon 4 times. We have never played league matches against 6 of the teams that will be League 2 next season - namely Accrington, Barrow, Bromley, Harrogate, Morecambe and Salford. You are also right in your assumption about the way I adjusted the points to normalise the stats. 

    Like you, I think that the record is not too shabby overall but it helps our record that we have spent most of our history in the second and third tiers of English football!

    • Thanks 1
  3. Some, but not all of you, may be interested in City’s all time record against other clubs. Each year, statto that I am, I do an analysis of all the League results we have ever had against each of the teams that we will be playing in the coming season. I base it on the average points achieved in each case using 3 for a win throughout (for comparability purposes.) 

    Some of the highlights for 2024-25 are as follows.

    Our best home record (top 3)over the years has been against:

    1. Plymouth Argyle (2.26)
    2. Hull City (2.18)
    3. Blackburn (1.92)

    Our best away record (top 3) has been against:

    1. Cardiff City (1.27)
    2. Portsmouth (1.26)
    3. Watford (1.22)

    Our worst home record (worst 3) has been against:

    23. Leeds United (0.74) worst by miles (3 wins in 19 home games)!
    22. Norwich City (1.24)
    21. Stoke City (1.28)

    Our worst away record (worst 3) has been against:

    23. Leeds United (0.63) spot the trend here?
    22. Oxford United (0.65)
    21. Derby County (0.71)

    Our bogey teams have traditionally been Derby, Leeds, Norwich and Sheffield United, according to the stats (but not Preston, often cited in this category.)

    Throughout our history we have averaged 1.81 points at home and 1.01 away out of 3 in each case.

    We have played 4844 league matches - winning 1852 and losing 1726 - and have a positive goal difference of 285. We have averaged 1.42 points out of 3 in all that time.

    As an aside and turning briefly to our record against Premier League teams, we have never lost at home to Chelsea or Man City in the league - playing them 12 and 11 times respectively at Ashton Gate - although many of these games were, of course, played when they were not in the top flight.  Quite surprising though eh?


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  4. I'm probably being thick here but as far as Kalas is concerned to replace him with someone as good would probably cost us a couple of million in the Summer (especially if we sell Scott and clubs see we have money in the bank!) So why don't we offer him a long term deal on lower money (to reduce the ongoing wage bill) but give him a good chunk of that £2m as a signing on fee. I've a hunch that he'd like to stay but no-one at his age or his ability is going to take a pay cut. The signing on fee route could help him maintain his overall income and is surely is worth thinking about?


  5. Have noticed this sometimes though not today. My problem is that a couple of times each game I lose the Robins TV signal even though my internet connection is OK (and fast). Anyone else experience this and found solutions?


  6. Anyone else have this problem? When I watch live matches on Robins TV I get random service interruptions two or three times every match (they last 1-2 minutes before I can restore the link.) When this happens, the Robins TV page initially shows a buffering logo and then shows ‘no internet’. The frustrating thins is that my internet speed is pretty high and there is no actual break in internet service as I can access other sites whilst this is all going on. Anyone else have this problem and/or found a solution?

    Thanks in advance.


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