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Everything posted by phantom

  1. For those that travel up the Weston to Bristol corridor, note the train times are different tomorrow. The stopping service is not **:10 the hour, instead it's 0848, 0947, 1010, 1047
  2. Everytime I hear Neymar mentioned anywhere I still chuckle at the calls Though the one not in the public domain are the funniest
  3. MDL is one of those players that no matter what they do I will always detest, his bowling last season was often so erratic and costly and the number of times I would shake my head at one of his deliveries lol PS Yes he did sign a two year deal with us
  4. Exactly my thoughts too, not sure why such a big deal is being made about it
  5. It must be bad if it's worse than ours
  6. I always think this is the ex Stoke keeper.. He would be more entertaining
  7. You may be interested in completing this survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PGGPH5D
  8. The club are certainly going above and beyond pushing this fixture this week, with something on social media everydat I wonder how many will actually turn up out of the sales???
  9. For football supporters you would certainly hope so, for Derby though it may not come in soon enough
  10. Would not say a massive club, sadly the following is still low for the size of Weston. But much of this is because Weston has become a commuting town over the years so people already have affiliation with other clubs. There is a big City following in the town already that follow regularly, Weston will always struggle to push on to the next level The association with the college is a massive thing for the club and town and hopefully see's the club bringing local players through. As for getting to the National league, as much as the Bliss family have done an amazing job over many decades running the club, the step up in finances to compete at the next level up would surely need additional financial input The league is certainly looking interesting, but lots of clubs are on the verge of the play offs
  11. Not enough games, but at least they have the final I supposed
  12. It was slightly misleading that the club tweeted the picture you shared - it seemed like it was something new
  13. Case just been postponed from next week for SEVEN MONTHS as there is no room for his case to be heard
  14. Forget the charge, but surely officials don't referee the same club within that close time frame normally?
  15. Interesting it was reported at lunchtime Everton had asked Derby for permission to speak to Rooney but have now just announced Big Duncan has been put in as caretaker Manager
  16. No doubt will be weather dependent, but completely agree
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