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Everything posted by phantom

  1. Very true Recognise the name etc May she rest in peace
  2. Interesting to see the football lines visible tonight which is unusual
  3. Friends in Erdington are describing him as a massive loss too. Didn't realise that he was married to Harriet Harman
  4. I was trying to work out what you meant, and then realised that you had quoted a Fulham fan from their forum
  5. Jerry has been really busy helping staff shortages around the club recently I know it was raised higher up the food chain but by then decisions had been made. I would say the same mistake won't be repeated
  6. No More Red is an initiative between Arsenal and adidas that will see adidas support the long-standing work being done by Arsenal in the Community to keep young people safe from knife crime and youth violence. There were more than 10,000 knife crime offences in London between June 2020 – June 2021. Last year also saw the highest number of teenage murders in a year in London since records began – most of which involved knife attacks. No More Red will build on Arsenal in the Community’s work with young people in the capital, as well as providing more safe, positive spaces for young people and spotlighting talented individuals who are making a positive difference in their community. Throughout the initiative adidas also will be supporting by: Investing in creating and refurbishing safe spaces to play football – starting with the pitch on Harvist Estate just minutes away from Emirates Stadium Creating a No More Red mentorship scheme where young people doing positive work in the community will be supported by creative talent including Idris Elba, Ian Wright, DJ Emerald Rose Lewis and artist Reuben Dangoor among others Providing access to its talent network who will make regular contributions to Arsenal in the Community programmes that provide a wide range of training, quality spaces, positive role models and tangible opportunities for young people As part of the campaign, we have also taken the unprecedented step of replacing our iconic red home shirt with an entirely white kit in our Emirates FA Cup tie against Nottingham Forest. The kit will never be commercially available and will only ever be awarded to individuals who are making a positive difference in the community. Following the game, the ten shirts worn by outfield players have been gifted to organisations doing work in the community to address some of the root causes of knife crime and youth violence. These organisations are Arsenal in the Community The Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation Steel Warriors Don’t Stab Your Future (DSYF) Box Up Crime Copenhagen Youth Project St Giles Trust Abianda Octopus Community Network The Ben Kinsella Trust As part of the campaign, we have worked with actor Idris Elba, and Arsenal legend Ian Wright. Idris Elba, founder of Don’t Stab Your Future and mentor as part of No More Red said: “From the time young people leave school, until the time they’re at home with family, there is often a void, a dangerous spike of nothing to do, where nothing can easily turn to something dangerous. “If there continues to be no options for this after-school period, we will always see gangs form. Let’s create options for these young people.” Ian Wright MBE said: “Every young person deserves the opportunity to express themselves. The opportunity to exist within a safe environment. The opportunity to live free from fear of violence. We can never accept loss of life through youth violence as ‘normal’ in our city and it’s so important that we all work together to create a better environment for young people. “By giving young people more places to play sport, more support, and access to individuals who can inspire them, together we can help make a difference to young people in London.” The shirt will become a symbol of positivity in the community, given to individuals and organisations who are giving back to the community and creating a positive environment for young people.
  7. I thought that was the case, as I mentioned above Are you sure this is correct - I thought if not used in the first tie it could not be used in the replay?
  8. Sir Sidney Poitier, first black actor to win an Oscar for Best Actor in 1964 has passed away aged 94
  9. Hasn't this always been the case? I thought in the past it only got used in the later rounds when all grounds could use it?
  10. He can post again from today so @Robbored will no doubt be back shortly
  11. Everything coming together to create the perfect storm to put as many people off attending as possible
  12. I would guess it is because what was installed was not what was hoped would be?
  13. I know they are massively short staffed at the moment, so unless it is normally an automated email I would say it was because of this
  14. I understand he is on a "holiday" from posting, but can view Will look into it
  15. Is this not just as simply down to the category levels of academy? We are obviously looking at a better standard of player to them anyway?
  16. You can half that on figures from yesterday
  17. The match day threads are moved into this section in respect of the late Havanatopia. It was moved because the last post was last Saturday, someone added to it about the referee, then as usual rather than continue the same thread someone else started discussing the same referee comments somewhere else. As always as a discussion was always in place the threads were simply merged
  18. Not sure if you saw this? Four Lives was filmed in 2019 and due to be on screen much sooner but ended up being delayed due to an inquest into the four deaths and how they were handled. The inquest only ended last month and concluded with the jury ruling that failings by the Met Police contributed to the deaths of Port's final three victims.
  19. Just watching this following your recommendation, very interesting programme. Unbelievable how these things happen
  20. Have been binge watching Money Heist since being off sick from work the past week Interesting watch
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