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Everything posted by phantom

  1. Very true, but it's those that take it off topic that ruin discussions. But agree with your point
  2. Was always scheduled for after 18:03 No,just as before. Two jabs
  3. Yes it was me because as always the topic will go off on a tangent, as always these threads are already going off topic.
  4. Derby supporter he came down the Atyeo stand
  5. Completely disagree he had pace but nothing else. Awful first touch and not better second I'm with you on this quickly realises just to stand off him slightly and he had him sussed
  6. Like the Birmingham fan who lashed out at Jack Grealish a few seasons back Credit has to go to the City steward number 57 who literally stood and watched this lad climb over a railing and then over a number of rows of seats before entering the pitch. It was really surreal seeing the lad come down the stand that nobody approached him
  7. Sides starting to support the applause now, obviously Birmingham has a closer connection but still great to see
  8. Great news, out of interest do you have any pictures of the new badges please?
  9. Not playing on the Saturday makes sense, especially with the vast majority of us would be travelling West through Cardiff, and would imagine not just Heddlu but police from surrounding areas are used for these events, BUT like above the most inconvenient kick off slot of the weekend has been allocated Why not a Friday night or Sunday afternoon?
  10. One was dismissed from the jury earlier in the week
  11. Sky sports news just reported from outside the court, all over for today JB gave 1 hour 45 minutes of answers this afternoon to cross examination, in complete denial about causing the injury, but admitted using "industrial language" Closing speeches at 10:30am tomorrow before judge will send jury out to decide, that should start about lunchtime
  12. Turns out that Jonathan Tobin was also the guy who saved Fabrice Muamba on the pitch for Bolton
  13. Clearly very lucky to be alive “First and foremost, I just want to stress my sincere appreciation to the Club’s medical staff and the NHS staff who have cared for me after I was taken into hospital last week. In particular, I would like to mention Dr. Rob Cooper from the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital for everything he has done for me over the last week or so. “I feel it’s important to tell my story to our supporters and to the wider public, because my life has been saved by the actions of the gaffer [Leam Richardson] and the club doctor Jonathan Tobin, and my story may well save another life. “As you are aware, I collapsed during training on Monday. I suffered a cardiac arrest and required CPR, and I am told it was only the quick response of the gaffer to initiate the resuscitation process and then the continuation from the Doc that saved my life. I will be forever grateful that due to their actions – and those of my teammates and other staff - I am here to talk to about the experience. “Thankfully, just a few weeks ago, the training ground staff had received CPR training, which has clearly proven to be life-saving with the way in which the gaffer reacted to my collapse and initiated the CPR on the training pitch. I think that sends out a message of just how important it is that coaches and staff have that training. “The support from my teammates over the last few days has been incredible; the gesture to celebrate with my shirt at Plymouth just goes to show what a top group of lads we have here at Wigan. I’ve heard the fans singing my name when I’ve been watching the games from hospital too, which has been amazing to hear – I’m really thankful for that support. “I have received thousands of messages from supporters of all of the Clubs I have played for, the wider football community and beyond, and the well-wishes have meant the world to me and my family. It was a real boost for me to see the photo of my former teammates at Sunderland wishing me well - a class touch from a great set of lads. “I’m looking forward to going home to my son, partner and friends and family for the next few days. “I can’t wait to get back to the training ground next week to see the lads, where I will start some light training that begins the process of hopefully being able to get back to full training with the team next year. “Thank you for all of the support. Charlie”.
  14. of course the other thing, those that are probably best to treat the person are those with the necessary kit pitch side so if anything was to happen if the game continued that opens up a major safety issue
  15. Lucky man that these are his only physical scars a year later
  16. The prosecution solicitor was unwell so applied for a adjournment until tomorrow. Apparently not covid so fully expected to finish tomorrow with jury being set to make decision still tomorrow Only know this as saw report on sky sports news this morning
  17. Cardiff plan to play Champions Cup matches against Toulouse and Harlequins with a shadow squad as most of their players continue to quarantine. A group of 42 players and staff are due to leave South Africa on Thursday after securing a charter flight and quarantine accommodation in England. Six people will stay in Cape Town after returning positive Covid-19 tests. Cardiff are due to host reigning European champions Toulouse at the Arms Park on Saturday 11 December. As the Welsh side will be without 32 players - and 16 members of staff - who will be quarantining for 10 days in England or South Africa, they intend to field a team comprised of academy players, reserves and Wales internationals who did not travel to South Africa. Both Cardiff's scheduled United Rugby Championship matches in South Africa against the Emirates Lions and DHL Stormers were postponed but the club says it must still fulfil two Heineken Champions Cup encounters against Toulouse and English champions Harlequins. A 10-day period of quarantine means those self-isolating will be able to play no part in the European fixtures. There are six members of Wales' autumn squad who could be available after they remained in Cardiff while the rest of the squad travelled to South Africa. They are Josh Adams, Willis Halaholo, Tomos Williams, Dillon Lewis, Seb Davies and Ellis Jenkins. "Anyone from this trip will be ineligible to face Toulouse and Quins but we have got a number of internationals back home and we'll do everything in our power to honour these fixtures," said Cardiff director of rugby Dai Young. "The team will be made up of the internationals who haven't come with us and some of our best academy players. I'm confident they will do the jersey proud but we need the Cardiff support to get right behind us. "Gruff Rees will lead the team and he will be assisted by Thomas Rhys Thomas and Richie Rees, who remained in Cardiff to coach those not travelling. "I know they and the boys will want to do it for the boys in quarantine, we will be watching from our rooms and it will be a real boost if we see a packed Arms Park. "They will be supporting the boys, those of us in isolation and the club during what has been the most stressful and challenging period I have experienced as a director of rugby. I am confident those players will do the jersey proud." The travelling party of 42 players and staff on the flight out of Cape Town on Thursday have all returned a negative PCR test prior to travelling to South Africa, two negative lateral flow tests and a further five consecutive PCR tests, all with negative results, in Cape Town. Six individuals have returned positive results and have been transferred to a South African Covid-19 quarantine hotel.
  18. What did you think of the game?
  19. Devalued it but we can't really grumble about that competition considering how many times we have won it over the years
  20. After watching the shite City have provided recently this is a refreshing change lol
  21. EVERY 90 minutes in the UK a life is lost to suicide. It doesn't discriminate, touching the lives of people in every corner of society - from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, reality stars and footballers. It's the biggest killer of people under the age of 35, more deadly than cancer and car crashes. And men are three times more likely to take their own life than women. Yet it's rarely spoken of, a taboo that threatens to continue its deadly rampage unless we all stop and take notice, now. If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems, the following organisations provide support CALM, www.thecalmzone.net, 0800 585 858 Heads Together, www.headstogether.org.ukMind, www.mind.org.uk, 0300 123 3393 Papyrus, www.papyrus-uk.org, 0800 068 41 41 Samaritans, www.samaritans.org, 116 123 Movember, www.uk.movember.com Anxiety UK www.anxietyuk.org.uk, 03444 775 774 Monday-Friday 9.30am-10pm, Saturday/Sunday 10am-8pm
  22. Draw has been made for the upcoming tournament
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