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Everything posted by phantom

  1. Makes it hard for people to read over my shoulder
  2. Thought it interesting that Bristol Rugby have a giant poster at Temple Meads advertising season tickets, with a deadline of 5pm May 18th to purchase by There is no indication on what day of the week the home games will be played on yet (obviously expressed interest in a Saturday) I wonder how all those people involved with combination clubs are getting on?
  3. I was sat watching teletext, there was more than one page of scores so had to wait for it to come back around to their page Am sure there was loads of added time too
  4. Just think there is a whole generation of supporters living off this nonsense, that have never actually seen them above us !
  5. A more recent and more relevant 2nd May they may want to remind themselves of. . .
  6. Just think if they played at AG8 they would only need the Lansdown Stand
  7. Good to see the games being spread around more of the Counties
  8. That's what happens when you actually have any amounts of quality in your line up - clearly only Matty Taylor was good enough to "step up" ?
  9. I was underwhelmed with Bancroft then even less chuffed with MR - I really hope you are right about him as per last season the rest of the side are failing already I spoke to the brother of a certain WSM based player on Saturday who is already non plussed about being dropped for the first game
  10. A shame for Bracey as that was some knock from him, fancy losing to the Welsh !!
  11. Even worse - The ECB were thinking about scrapping the LBW law !! http://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/23249618/fast-food-cricket-coming-whether-or-not
  12. Hate to say but the BBC are getting some of the games - but completely agree with your sentiments
  13. Just a reminder of how they got on the previous times they met https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/34160568 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/35389535
  14. I saw that post @BCFC11 clearly never been a Bristol supporter - they really do write utter shit on that site
  15. @Juan Kerr http://www.bristolbears.co.uk/about/
  16. Won't be long before they are playing in red . . . .
  17. Honestly think we are doomed if they are away too much this summer. Sadly the Overton's will either be with England or injured, and looks like Leach will become an England regular Not convinced by our overseas signing either
  18. Both in their neighbours shadow
  19. Was an enjoyable evening, not one to put a dampeer oo tthings, but curious as to how the "streakers" from last night get dealt with? Any idea @JulieH?
  20. Not surprised, there is a good chance Leach will be off with England, and at least one of the Overton's too (when they are not injured)
  21. Sadly very true - I would like to be proved wrong but have a bad feeling about this
  22. I'm leaving work now - last midweek "league" game of the season One last excuse to get in BS3 early
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