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Everything posted by AshtonGreat

  1. A great memento for you. I’m not sure I ever got one :laugh:. That’s a great gesture from the club - makes you wonder how much they usually mark them up in the shop, though, if they can afford to give them away free haha
  2. That’s very 1940s! p.s. I thought the foil flags looked amazing in the stadium…
  3. I imagine they’ll be those foil thingies that the club gave out last time Man City played at AG
  4. Yes early days at the moment. He reminds me a bit of Marley Watkins
  5. Fair comments. I just think on today’s evidence (both our game and theirs), the difference in class is just too big. But stranger things have happened.
  6. I’ve no doubt Man City will field some of their stars - they usually take the domestic cup tournaments seriously. Even if they pick some squad players, the likes of Rico Lewis and Cole Palmer are brilliant.
  7. Are we talking strikers or players in general?
  8. I found it pretty frantic :laugh:
  9. That’s assuming every single season ticket holder buys a ticket, which I’d say was unlikely
  10. I find that hard to believe. There was an incredibly positive feeling around the club when SC was in charge, and the players seemed to really like him. Besides, you simply can’t be a poor manager and achieve what SC and GJ achieved. For me, NP has a long way to go yet
  11. Based on what - his achievements at other clubs?
  12. I suppose he was never gonna tell you to do your top button up as a customer ?
  13. There were City fans in there for the United game
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