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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. Christ on a bike they sold out (in the stands, this time) no doubt there will be claims of 50,000 locked outside tomorrow, looking forward to it.
  2. Of course they have, here's their live webcam..
  3. Remember when you pretended to be a Portsmouth fan because you were too embarrassed to admit you were a gashead? Thoughts?
  4. So we're living in the shadows of.. ourselves? Genius.
  5. To be fair whenever the thread drops down a few pages the Pompey/South Glos bumps it up to the front page.
  6. Bristol Rovers 0-3 Sainsburys, goodnight all
  7. Jesus Christ he got TWO likes for his comment, talk about getting a rousing reception for his post...
  8. Hilarious read. Delusion and anger in one thread. Love it.
  9. Oh I'm sure you do 2015, whoops I mean 1982
  10. hahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahaha http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Bristol-Rovers-NEWS-Sainsbury-s-receive-penny/story-28943629-detail/story.html breathe hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha
  11. That has to be my definition of hell, listening to a bunch of slagheads **** on about their pathetic little club.
  12. They've sold out the minimal how many times in two decades again? I think that answers your question if they need a bigger stadium.
  13. And now they've sold out to foreign owners we're STILL laughing at them.
  14. I always fancied an orange kit on day..
  15. But they don't care, they have a foreign trillionaire who's going to fund their South glos stadium.. or so I thought?
  16. A round of Forza Sainsburys should be in order on Saturday.
  17. Love Windass's shirt, what colour is that? Orange?
  18. Well I'm off to walk my dog down to Sainsburys..
  19. They once said in a statement "we have the support that other clubs envy".. what is it with them??
  20. I'm sure every sentence will start with "This very special, unique club"..
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